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Spatial-temporal variation of glacier resources in Chinese Tianshan Mountains since 1959


邢武成 1   李忠勤 2   张慧 3   张明军 1   梁鹏斌 1   牟建新 1  
文摘 基于两期冰川编目数据与气象数据,对天山1959年来冰川资源的时空变化特征进行研究。研究发现:①天山地区现有冰川7934条,面积7179.77 km~2, 冰储量756.48 km!3。冰川数量以面积< 1 km~2的冰川居多,面积以1~10 km~2和≥20 km~2的冰川为主,冰川集中分布在海拔3800~4800m之间。②在四级流域中,阿克苏河流域冰川面积最大为1721.75 km~2,面积最小的是伊吾河流域,为56.03 km~2。在各市(州)中,阿克苏地区冰川资源量最多,其面积和储量分别占天山总量的4328%和68.85%;冰川资源量最少的市(州)是吐鲁番地区,面积和储量仅占天山总量的0.:23%和0.07%。③1959年来,天山地区冰川面积减少了1619.82 km~2(-18.41%),储量亏损了104.78 km~3(-12.16%),其中数量以< 1 km~2的冰川减少最多,面积减少以< 5 km~2的冰川最为严重。④冰川变化呈现明显的区域差异,变化速度最快的是天山东段博格达北坡流域,变化最慢的是中部的渭干河流域。初步分析认为夏季气温显著上升带来的消融大于年内降水带来的积累是天山冰川退缩的主要原因。
其他语种文摘 Based on the glacier inventories and meteorological data, spatial-temporal variations of glaciers in Chinese Tianshan Mountains were analyzed systematically. The results show that: (1) 7934 glaciers with an area of 7179.77 km~2 and volume of 756.48 km~3 were identified in the study area. The number of glaciers below 1 km~2 accounts for the majority part of glaciers in the Chinese Tianshan Mountains. In contrast, glaciers between 1 to 10 km~2 and larger than 20 km~2 have the largest proportions of the total glacier surface area. The glaciers in the study area are mainly distributed at elevations of 3800-4800 m. (2) In 10 watersheds, the Akesu River Basin contains the most of the glaciers with a surface area of 1721.75 km~2, but the Yiwu River Basin has the least glaciers whose surface area is 56.03 km~2. There is an obvious difference of glaciers in different regions. In the Akesu region, glacier resource is the most abundant, which accounts for 43.28% and 68.85% in total surface area and volume. In the Turpan region, glacier resource is the least, which accounts for only 0.23% and 0.07% of the total surface area and volume in this region. (3) In the past half century, the loss in glacier area and ice volume were 1619.85 km~2 (-18.64%) and 104 km~3 (21.63%), respectively. Glaciers smaller than 1.0 km~2 constituted the main body of the decreased glacier number. Glaciers below 5 km~2 experienced a significant recession. (4) The relative rates of area change for these glaciers were different for different drainage basins. The fastest change of glacier area occurred on the northern slope of the Bogda Basin and the lowest appeared in the Weigan River Basin. The main reason for glacier retreat in this region was that glacier melting caused by rising summer temperatures is greater than glacier mass supply by increased precipitation during the study period.
来源 地理学报 ,2017,72(9):1594-1605 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201709005
关键词 天山冰川 ; 冰川变化 ; 冰川编目 ; 气候变化 ; 中国

1. 西北师范大学地理与环境科学学院, 兰州, 730070  

2. 西北师范大学地理与环境科学学院, 冰冻圈国家重点实验室, 兰州, 730070  

3. 中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院, 冰冻圈国家重点实验室, 兰州, 730000

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 地球物理学
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 ;  国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:6068305

参考文献 共 38 共2页

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1. 基于中国第二次冰川编目的三江源冰川数据集(2008)

2. 西南季风区气候与冰川演变对丽江-玉龙雪山地区资源和可持续发展的影响项目的汇交数据

3. 青藏高原哈拉湖流域冰川和湖泊动态变化数据集(1986-2015)


1. 卡若拉冰川-世界地理数据大百科辞条

2. 四个历史时期中国北方农牧交错带界线数据集(1970-2010)

3. 四川甘孜吉仁错(高山湖)枝角类古生态变化及其对气候环境响应数据集

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