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Spatial Difference and Its Influencing Factors in Ecological Land Rent in China


龙开胜 1   赵亚莉 1   张鸿辉 2   陈利根 1   卢方方 1   顾媛媛 1  
文摘 生态地租是衡量资源稀缺的社会经济效果的重要指标。在测算2002年和2007年中国各省份单位经济产出生态地租量和生态地租总量的基础上,运用ArcGIS和GeoDA软件分析生态地租空间分异规律;并进一步采用传统回归分析以及空间相关性分析等方法,辨析生态地租空间分异的影响因素。结果表明:①中国单位经济产出生态地租量具有西南、东北低,冀豫高的稳定分布特征,中西部地区呈增长趋势,东部地区则呈减少趋势,总体分布比较分散;②生态地租总量空间分异表现为显著的空间集聚特征和东中西部分异特征,形成了明显的高-高集聚和低-低集聚类型区,环渤海地区、长三角地区、珠三角地区是生态地租总量高度集中区域,西部地区则相对较低;③生态地租空间分异受到人口、经济和产业结构等因素的显著影响,人口密度、城镇化水平、经济密度、人均消费水平及人均GDP与生态地租总量在空间关联性上显著正相关,表现出明显的空间集聚特征;农业比重与生态地租总量之间显著负相关,存在空间上的分散性。
其他语种文摘 Ecological land rent is an important indicator to measure the social-economic effect of resource scarcity. Based on the assessment data of ecological land rent in per unit economy output and total ecological land rent in China in the years 2002 and 2007,this paper analyzed the spatial difference of ecological land rent with the help of softwares of ArcGIS and GeoDA. And then,it examined the influencing factors of spatial difference of ecological land rent with the method of traditional regression analysis and spatial correlation analysis. The results can be obtained as follows. Firstly,in the research period,ecological land rent in per unit economy output was low in Southwest and Northeast China,while high in Hebei and Henan provinces,presenting a steady situation. The ecological land rent in per unit economy output had an increasing tendency in western and central China and a decreasing one in eastern China. In general,the spatial distribution of ecological land rent in per unit economy output in China was scattered. Secondly,the total ecological land rent of China had significant spatial aggregation in general,and spatial difference characteristics between eastern,central and western China. Accordingly,there were the high-high and low-low clustering regions in terms of spatial distribution of the total ecological land rent. The Bohai Rim,the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta were the highly clustering region of the total ecological land rent,and western China had very low ecological land rent in total amount. Thirdly,spatial difference of ecological land rent in China was affected by factors such as population growth,economic development,industrial structure and so on. There was a significant positive spatial correlation between population density,urbanization level,economy density,per capita consuming level,GDP per capita and ecological land rent,which indicates there is spatial clustering between ecological land rent and other factors. But there was a negative correlation between ecological land rent and agricultural output percentage,which shows there is spatial scattering between ecological land rent and agricultural output percentage.
来源 地理学报 ,2012,67(8):1125-1136 【核心库】
关键词 生态地租 ; 空间分异 ; 影响因素 ; 全局Moran指数 ; 中国

1. 南京农业大学公共管理学院, 南京, 210095  

2. 南京大学地理与海洋科学学院, 南京, 210093

语种 中文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 社会科学总论
基金 国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:4613159

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