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Modern Sedimentation Rates of Fuxian Lake by 210Pb and 137Cs Dating


文摘 借助GPS定位,采集了云南抚仙湖不同区域的7个沉积物柱芯。通过对抚仙湖沉积物柱芯样品的放射性核素~(210)Pb和~(137)Cs测试分析,发现所有柱芯中均存在3个公认的~(137)Cs计年时标(1954年~(137)Cs首次沉降、1963年全球公认的~(137)Cs最大沉降蓄积峰和1986年前苏联切尔诺贝利核事故产生的~(137)Cs沉降蓄积峰),部分柱芯中存在20世纪70年代中期中国大气核试验形成的1975/1976年次级蓄积峰,分析了该次级定年时标存在的合理性。借助~(210)PbCRS计年模式获得了抚仙湖过去百余年来的沉积年代,与~(137)Cs时标计年结果相比较存在一定偏差,对两种计年结果产生差异的可能原因进行了探讨。基于~(210)Pb和~(137)Cs计年结果,结合历史文献记载得出,自19世纪中期以来,抚仙湖各个沉积物柱芯(FX6除外)的沉积速率变化规律具有相似性,大致可以划分为3个阶段:A:自然演化阶段,B:人为扰动阶段,C:人为改造阶段。这种不稳定的沉积环境与抚仙湖地区相应历史时期的人类活动有密切关系,表明人类活动是影响短时间尺度下环境变化的主要驱动力。
其他语种文摘 Based on GPS location,seven sediment cores were collected from different areas of Fuxian Lake.By analyzing the radionuclide profiles of ~(210) Pb and ~(137) Cs,we found that there were three obvious time markers of ~(137) Cs in all the sediment cores,which corresponded to the onset of fallout in 1954,the maximum peak fallout in 1963 and the former Soviet Union’s Chernobyl accident in 1986.Some sediment cores(FX1,FX3,FX5 and FX7)had the secondary peaks in 1975 or 1976 by the Chinese nuclear tests,verifying the rationality of this auxiliary time marker. On the basis of the ~(210)Pb(CRS)dating,the ages were obtained in the past 150 years.As for dissimilar physical and chemical associations,diffusion characteristics for the two radionuclides (Pb and Cs),we interpreted the rationality of deviation by the two dating methods.In combination of the ~(210)Pb and ~(137)Cs dating results and historical data,we found that the modern sedimentation rates in different sediment cores(except FX6)of Fuxian Lake had a similar tendency,which can be marked off three stages:natural evolution stage,man-made disturbances stage and man-made transformation stage.In the short time-scale,human activities of historical periods had played a very important role in changing the sedimentation environment of the Fuxian Lake.
来源 地理学报 ,2011,66(11):1551-1561 【核心库】
关键词 ~(210)Pb计年 ; ~(137)Cs计年 ; 抚仙湖 ; 沉积速率 ; 人类活动

南京师范大学地理科学学院, 南京, 210046

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 环境污染及其防治
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 ;  江苏省高校自然科学基础研究项目 ;  南京师范大学优秀博士论文培育计划项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:4365560

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