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A Study of the Influence to the Farmers' Rights in Land Acquisition Because of the Loss of Ecological Compensation


文摘 文章采用资料分析,理论分析的方法,归纳总结了国内外土地征收补偿中都存在着生态补偿缺失的问题,尤其是中国的征收补偿制度存在明显缺陷,如补偿理论支持不足、补偿范围小、补偿额度低、补偿不到位等。这种制度缺陷不仅造成了大量的耕地流失,同时也造成了农业生态环境的破坏,直接影响了土地使用权人——农民的相关利益,如土地被征收导致土地分割,形成不经济的土地规模,造成土地利用效率的损失,降低了相邻土地的生产力,影响了农民的相邻权;土地又是农民世代生存、繁衍、发展之所在,是农民的基本生活保障和基本生活来源,农民失去土地就意味着失去了生存和发展的基础,影响了生存权和发展权;土地的资源属性表明,土地征收必然涉及到土地利用的变化和生态环境因素的改变,涉及到农民的环境权的保障。为此,必须完善土地征收制度,建立有效的市场化运作手段,通过对农地生态价值的正确评估,公平、合理的补偿失地农民的损失,以实现社会公平、和谐。
其他语种文摘 In this paper, data analysis and theoretical analysis were used to summarize some issues on loss of ecological compensation in and especially the obvious deficienci support for compensation theory, the compensation which is not in place, the land acquisition compensation both in China and abroad, es of the compensation system of China, such as inadequacy small scope of compensation, lower compensation, amount of and so on. Such system defects cause not only the loss of large amount of farmland, but also the influence to the ecological environment of agriculture, and directly violate the land use rights of farmers, such as land division resulted from land acquisition,the formation of the scale ineconomic land, the loss of land-use efficiency, decrease in productivity of the adjacent land, and violation of the farmers~ neighboring rights. Land is the base for the farmers to survive, multiply and develop from time, land is the basic livelihood guarantee of farmers an gene d the ration to generation. At the same basic sources of livelihood. The farmers losing lands means losing the basis of survival and development and losing their rights to survival and development. Attributes of the land resources indicate that land acquisition must involve the change of land use and the ecological environment factors and guarantee the farmers' environmental rights. Therefore, we must improve the land acquisition system and establish an effective means of market operation in order to achieve social justice and harmony through the correct assessment of ecological value of agricultural lands to compensate for the loss of landless farmers fairly and reasonably.
来源 地理科学进展 ,2008,27(1):111-117 【核心库】
关键词 生态补偿 ; 土地征收 ; 生存权

河南大学环境与规划学院河南大学资源与环境研究所, 河南, 开封, 475004

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1007-6301
学科 社会科学总论;地质学
基金 河南大学2007年度人文社科重点项目 ;  河南大学资源与环境研究所年度项目部分成果
文献收藏号 CSCD:3219796

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