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A review on researches of partice/water interaction in presence of microorganism


文摘 回顾了近年来微生物存在下的水/粒界面吸附反应研究进展,包括微生物对金属阳离了的吸附、矿物微粒对微生物的吸附和微生物参与下的水/粒界面吸附;目前,这些吸附反应的定量化模型研究主要有体积分配关系和表面络合模型两种方法。其中,体积分想关系可从野外直接测得;而表面络合模型是采用不受溶液条件变化影响的准热力学常数来描述表面化学反应,能外推至实验室无法直接模拟的条件。随着人们对微生物在环境中重要性认识的加深,微生物参与下的水/粒界面吸附和可预测吸附程度的定量化模型受到人们越来越多的重视。
其他语种文摘 The review addresses adsorption at particle/water interface in the presence of microorganism, which are microorganism/metal ions adsorption, mineral particle/microorganism adsorption and particle/water adsorption in presence of microorganism. Mostly, there are bulk partition relationships and site specific (surface complexation) models which quantify these adsorption reactions. Among them, bulk partition approaches can be measured directly from the field, but only the site specific models can be extrapolated to conditions not directly studied in the laboratory, because they treat the adsorbed solute as another species whose thermodynamic stability can be quantified with an equilibrium constant. People pay more and more attention to particle/water interaction in presence of microorganism and model which can account for and predict adsorption have been stressed, when the importance of microorganism is known more.
来源 地球科学进展 ,2002,17(5):699-704 【核心库】
关键词 细菌 ; 吸附 ; 离解常数 ; 表面络合模型

中科院贵阳地球化学所, 环境地球化学国家重点实验室, 贵州, 贵阳, 550002

语种 中文
文献类型 综述型
ISSN 1001-8166
学科 地质学
基金 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:988618

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