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Simulation of spatio-temporal dynamics of Ochotona curzoniae by using a cellular-automata model


刘汉武 1 *   周立 2   刘伟 2   周华坤 2  
文摘 利用高寒草句和高原鼠兔(Ochotona curaoniae)的生态特征建立了元胞自动机模型, 并通过模拟得到了高原鼠兔种群时空动态的规律. 结果表明: 高原鼠兔有效洞口的扩散量与扩散力的变化基本一致, 扩散可减轻高原鼠兔对高寒草甸的危害; 高原鼠兔对原栖息地的留恋指数α越小, 高原鼠兔越易扩散; 退化草甸上高原鼠兔密度越大, 对已治理草地的入侵就越远; 退化草甸恢复后, 植被低矮时, 入侵距离短、危害重, 而植被较高时, 入侵距离远、危害轻; 全球气候变暖后, 如果高原鼠兔的繁殖期不延长, 则增温前后的种群动态相差不大; 如果增温后高原鼠兔的生长期延长, 在非退化高寒草甸上, 增温前后种群动态差别不大, 在退化高寒草甸上, 高原鼠兔种群将迅速增大
其他语种文摘 Based on the ecological characteristics of alpine grasslands and Ochotona curzoniae, a cellular-automata model was developed to investigate the spatio -temporal dynamics of 0. curzoniae populations. The variation of the dispersal of effective holes is approximately consistent with that of the dispersal force of 0. curzoniae. Dispersal of 0. curzoniae can reduce damages to the alpine grasslands caused by its overabundance. It is easy for 0. curzoniae to disperse when the reluctance parameter a of plateau pika to its previous habitat is small. When the density of 0. curzoniae inhabiting in degraded grasslands is high, 0. curzoniae invades far. When the height of restored vegetation is low, the invading distance of 0. curzoniae is short and the induced damages are heavy. Contrarily, the invading distance is long and the damage is light when the restored vegetation is high. If the growing season of 0. curzoniae is not prolonged with global warming, the population dynamics of 0. curzoniae is similar before and after global warming. If the growing season of 0. curzoniae is prolonged after global warming, the population dynamics of 0. curzoniae inhabiting in undegraded grasslands is similar before and after warming. The population of 0. curzoniae inhabiting in degraded grasslands will swell up quickly
来源 植物保护 ,2010,36(6):62-68 【核心库】
关键词 高原鼠兔 ; 元胞自动机 ; 扩散 ; 入侵 ; 全球变暖

1. 运城学院应用数学系, 运城, 044000  

2. 中国科学院西北高原生物研究所, 西宁, 810001

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0529-1542
学科 普通生物学
基金 山西省自然科学基金 ;  山西省高等学校科技研究开发自选项目 ;  运城学院院级科研项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:4089073

参考文献 共 13 共1页

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