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A critical review of research methods of Western human geography: A combination of knowing and doing for Chinese human geography


刘云刚 1   李志刚 1   黎斌 2  
文摘 中国人文地理学研究需要走出“精致的平庸”,走向“精致的创新”。而要实现这一点,关键是要厘清当前研究中学术与应用间的梗阻,使学术研究回到创新的源点:理论与现实的相互激发,并破除对西方人文地理研究的模仿和迷信。为此,需要借鉴西方人文地理学研究的成果与方法并使之根植于本土的问题和制度;需要完善本土研究机制,包括区分学会和协会、区分学术和应用、区分学术地理和应用地理;要倡导真正的科学精神,对已有研究保持批判性;让知识体系保持高度的开放性,并适应本土知识生产的需求;让研究实事求是、根植于地,在理论与现实之间深度交流。只有这样,中国人文地理学方能实现知行合一,走出殖民地理的陷阱,走上真正自主的知识生产之路。
其他语种文摘 The research of China's human geography today calls for a transition from 'exquisite mediocrity' to 'exquisite innovation'. This transition demands scholars to clean up the barriers in-between scholarships and their application, and by returning to the origin of innovation, the interaction between theories and reality, and abandoning their superstition and imitation within the studies or imitation of Western human geography. We identify several key issues for Chinese researchers, such as an understanding of the roots of western theories and methods, and their links to indigenous problems or institutions; improving the development of academic institutions by distinguishing society and association, scholarship and application, academic and applied geography; encouraging real scientific spirit with criticism; keeping the openness of the system of knowledge-production and being respondent to the indigenous demands of the society; deepening the communication between theories and phenomena. To extricate itself from the trap of colonial geography and to build up a model of independent production of knowledge, for China's human geography the combination of knowing and doing is the only pathway.
来源 地理学报 ,2014,69(8):1224-1233 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201408015
关键词 人文地理学 ; 学术与应用 ; 知行合一 ; 西方 ; 中国

1. 中山大学地理科学与规划学院, 广州, 501275  

2. 伯明翰大学地理系, 英国, 伯明翰

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 自然地理学
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 ;  国家教育部人文社会科学研究项目 ;  国家教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划
文献收藏号 CSCD:5226801

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2 陈明星 我国人文与经济地理学发展回顾与展望——变化大背景下我国人文与经济地理学发展高层论坛综述 地理学报,2016,71(8):1456-1471
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