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Development of Energy Assimilating LR-snubber for the High Voltage Power Supply Breakdown


文摘 高压直流电源负载-高功率速调管打火短路瞬间,存储在电源系统分布电容中的能量会向负载释放.如果不加能量吸收装置,这些能量将会全部注入速调管,严重时将损坏速调管.为了保护速调管,提出一种新型装置LR-snubber用来吸收存储在高压电源分布电容系统中的能量.LR-snubber是一个电感与电阻的并联网络串在负载高压输入端,正常运行时电流流过电感,不消耗能量;负载短路时电源系统分布电容(包括传输线分布电容)向短路负载放电,由于放电频率非常高(MHz量级),电感对电流起到阻塞作用,迫使电流流过电阻.因LR-snubber耗能电阻与短路负载的残留电阻串联且远大于残留电阻,所以分布电容储能绝大部分将被LR-snubber耗能电阻所吸收.如果L和R参数配合适当不但可以保护负载,而且不会影响电源投入时电流的上升率.通过仿真分析均验证了LR-snubber思想的可行性和正确性,最后模拟实验表明LR-snubber可以吸收超过90%的分布电容储能.
其他语种文摘 The high power klystrons may be irreparably damaged if the energy dumped in stray capacitance between high voltage power supply parts and ground potential parts is more than the critical crater energy of the tube when the load of high voltage supply-high power klystrons had arc faults within the tubes.In order to avoid such problems,we propose a new approach LR-snubber to limit the arc fault effects.LR-snubber is a parallel network connecting to the klystron input terminal.Normally,current flows in the L,no energy is assimilated,when the klystron is arcing,the stray capacitor will discharge into the klystron.The discharging frequency is very high,the L blocks the current and forces it to flow into the R.The R is in series with the klystron rudimental resistance and greatly bigger than the rudimental resistance,so the R can assimilate the most of the energy stored in the stray capacitance.If the L and R parameters are reasonable,the LR-snubber can not only protect the klystron but also guarantee that the current rising time is not affected.From the analysis of simulation-the LR-snubber can be proved to be feasible and valid,and the results of simulating experiment show that the 90 percent energy can be assimilated by the LR-snubber.
来源 高电压技术 ,2009,35(11):2786-2790 【核心库】
关键词 高压电源 ; 分布电容 ; 速调管 ; 能量吸收 ; LR-snubber ; LHCD

中科院等离子体物理研究所, 安徽, 合肥, 330031

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1003-6520
学科 电工技术
基金 国家发改委“投资(1998)1303号项目”
文献收藏号 CSCD:3790158

参考文献 共 18 共1页

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