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The Research on American Tourists about Their Cognition of Color Image of Urban Destination


文摘 色彩是旅游目的地意象的重要外显形式与构成,其虽被广泛应用于旅游目的地建设与发展,但其理论研究在国内外几近空白。本文以旅华美国游客为研究对象,以旅游目的地城市色彩意象认知为研究内容,通过10批次全程客流跟踪的调研方式获取了研究资料,运用扎根理论构建了旅华美国游客的目的地城市色彩意象认知维度模型,并通过二次定点调研方式对本研究的理论饱和度进行了检验。研究结果表明:①旅游目的地城市色彩意象认知的主要影响因素为城市色彩基调与建筑、旅游吸引物、人际影响、差异性文化感知、旅游经历、旅游目的地人文与自然环境;②目的地城市色彩意象认知由视觉色彩和理念色彩两部分构成;③游客的个人偏好和旅游情感会直接作用于旅游目的地城市色彩意象认知,并直接导致游客产生行为意图;④游客的目的地城市色彩意象认知会刺激并促使游客产生行为意图。本文讨论中提出了旅游目的地城市色彩意象认知加工的发生机制与过程模型。
其他语种文摘 Colour is very important for the explicit form and structure of tourist destination imagery,although it has been widely used in the construction and development of tourist destinations,the theory research is still nearly blank.This article takes the American tourists in China as objects and the cross-cultural cognition of color image of urban destination as content,and acquires the research material through 10 batches of passengers tracking in the whole journey.Then it constructs the American tourists’cognitive dimensions of color image of destination by using the grounded theory,furthermore,tests the theory saturation of this research by way of fixed-point. The results show that:(1) the major factors affecting tourists’cognition of color image of destination are the fundamental key of urban color and construction,tourism attractions,interpersonal influence,perception of cultural differences,travel experiences,cultural and natural environment in tourism destination;(2) the tourists’cognition of color image of destination have two components,that is,visual colour and conceptual colour;(3) the personal preferences and tourists emotions affect their cognition of color image of destination directly,moreover the affection generates behavior intention directly;(4) tourists’cognition of color image of destination will stimulate their behavior intention.Finally,this paper has discussion on the concept model of the mechanism and process of cognition about color image of urban tourism destinations.
来源 地理学报 ,2012,67(4):557-573 【核心库】
关键词 旅游目的地城市 ; 色彩意象认知 ; 客流跟踪 ; 扎根理论 ; 旅华美国游客

陕西师范大学旅游与环境学院, 西安, 710062

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 社会科学总论
基金 国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:4511850

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2 文谨 地理学视角下的出国旅居研究综述 地理科学进展,2013,32(7):1148-1158
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