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Spatial features of preference difference and conflict potential among multi-groups in tourism community: A case of Tangyu town in Xi'an


文摘 随着乡村旅游的快速发展,乡村旅游社区逐步成为多群体竞争与冲突的场所,其内部多群体的态度差异成为指示社区冲突的重要指标。本文以西安汤峪镇为例,采用参与式制图(Participatory Mapping)和半结构访谈方法对当地居民、度假购房业主和游客3类群体的旅游开发态度和景观价值感知进行调查,最终获得315套访谈表与填图,共提取空间信息点5518个。基于对Brown等土地利用冲突倾向指标模型的修订,并结合地理空间分析方法探讨旅游社区态度差异和冲突倾向的空间特征。结论显示:①旅游开发态度及其差异具有明显的地点指向性,并与景观价值的空间感知相关联。旅游开发冲突倾向空间上并非均匀分布,而是呈斑状格局,高值集中于社区旅游开发核心区域,且强度由开发的核心区域向外围区域减弱;②潜在冲突地点的形成既有传统冲突因素的影响,又有特殊空间因素的作用,旅游开发要素的空间结构、多人群景观价值的空间感知、社区旅游发展阶段和相关人群的涉入程度都会影响冲突空间的形成;③参与式制图与深度访谈结合的方法能够帮助获得多人群主观数据,为认识态度和旅游开发冲突的空间特征提供了新的技术支撑。
其他语种文摘 With the rapid development of rural tourism, local communities have become the places where multi-groups compete and conflict with each other. The differences in preference to tourism development among multi-groups have become a key indicator of conflicts in these communities. Taking Tangyu town as a case, this study employed participatory mapping, which is an important tool of the public participation geographic information system (PPGIS), and semi-structure interview to investigate the landscape values and preferences for tourism development from local residents, tourists and vacation homeowners. Finally we obtained 315 sets of questionnaires, interviews and mappings, which totally generated 5518 geo-spatial points. Based on Brown's land use conflict model, this study combined preference differences and landscape values with geo-spatial analysis to explore the spatial features of differences of different preferences and potential conflicts held by multi-groups. Results indicated that: (1) Preferences toward tourism development and their difference were characterized by obvious location differentiation, and were related to different groups' spatial perception of landscape values. The spatial distribution of conflicts potential associated with tourism development in Tangyu was uneven, but presented a patch structure. The areas with high values of conflict potential were mainly distributed across core areas of tourism development, and the values decreased gradually from the core areas to the peripheral areas. (2) The formation of potential conflict sites was not only impacted by the traditional factors, but also by the spatial factors. The tourism development stages of local community, the involvement degree of those related groups, the spatial structure of tourism development elements and the spatial perception of landscape values, jointly contributed to the formation of conflict sites. (3) The combination of participatory mapping and in-depth interview provided a new method to better understand the spatial features of preferences and conflicts potential associated with tourism development.
来源 地理学报 ,2016,71(6):1045-1058 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201606011
关键词 参与式制图 ; 态度差异 ; 景观价值 ; 冲突倾向 ; 西安汤峪镇

陕西师范大学旅游与环境学院, 西安, 710062

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 社会科学总论
基金 国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:5735606

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