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Research progress of aero-engine blade materials and anti-fatigue grinding technology


黄云 1,2   李少川 1   肖贵坚 1,2 *   陈本强 1   张友栋 1   贺毅 1   宋康康 1  
文摘 随着先进航空发动机向大推重比、轻量化的方向发展,镍基高温合金、钛合金以及陶瓷基复合材料等一系列轻质航空材料不断涌现并被应用,成为航空发动机叶片等关键构件的主要生产材料。然而由于硬质合金的应力集中敏感特性以及复合材料的各向异性和脆断机制,其面临的疲劳失效问题也逐渐凸显。现有研究表明,航空发动机叶片抗疲劳性能与其加工过程有重要关系,进而影响装备的服役性能和服役寿命。磨削作为航空发动机叶片的最终材料去除工艺,在获得精确廓形的同时直接决定了叶片最终的表面完整性状态和抗疲劳性能。为了解新型轻质航空材料特性及其磨削表面抗疲劳性能,进而为面向抗疲劳性能优化的航发叶片加工提供指导,本文对航空发动机叶片的典型材料及抗疲劳磨削技术研究现状进行了归纳总结。首先,简述了典型轻质、高强航空材料特性及其在航发叶片生产中的应用现状;然后,分析了航空发动机叶片的高表面完整性磨削方法及其抗疲劳加工关键技术;最后对航空发动机叶片的抗疲劳磨削研究进行了未来展望。
其他语种文摘 With the development of advanced aviation engines in the direction of high thrust-to-weight ratio and lightweight, a series of lightweight aviation materials such as titanium alloys, nickel-based high-temperature alloys, and ceramic-based composite materials have emerged and been widely used for the key components in the aerospace field, and have also become the main production materials for aero-engine blades. However, due to the stress concentration sensitivity of carbide and the anisotropy and brittle mechanism of composite materials, the fatigue failure problem is gradually highlighted. Existing studies show that the fatigue resistance performance of aero-engine blades has important relationship with its processing process, which in turn affects the service performance and service life of the equipment. Grinding, as the final material removal process for aero-engine blades, directly determines the final surface integrity and fatigue resistance of the blades while obtaining precise profiles. In order to understand the characteristics of blades processed by new lightweight aviation materials, and provide guidance for the processing of aero-engine blades for optimization of fatigue performance, the application of typical aero-engine blade materials and the research status of antifatigue grinding technology are summarized. Firstly, the characteristics of typical lightweight and high-strength aeronautical materials and their application in the production of aero-engine blades are briefly described. Secondly, the method of high surface integrity grinding and the key technology of anti-fatigue processing of aero-engine blades are analyzed. Finally, the research on antifatigue grinding of aero-engine blades is prospected.
来源 航空材料学报 ,2021,41(4):17-35 【核心库】
DOI 10.11868/j.issn.1005-5053.2021.000058
关键词 航空金属材料 ; 抗疲劳制造 ; 复合材料 ; 航空发动机叶片 ; 表面完整性 ; 磨削加工

1. 重庆大学机械与运载工程学院, 重庆, 400044  

2. 重庆大学, 机械传动国家重点实验室, 重庆, 400044

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1005-5053
学科 航空
基金 国家自然科学基金联合基金项目 ;  国家重大科技专项
文献收藏号 CSCD:7041415

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