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Analysis on citation indices of Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2011-2015


文摘 依据美国科技信息研究所公布的《期刊引证报告》、Web of Science数据库、Springer数据、来稿刊稿统计等资料,检索并分析了2011-2015年《地理学报(英文版)》的稿件来源、刊稿量、网络下载量、影响因子、被引频次、被引期刊、施引期刊和高被引论文等主要载文和引证指标。2011-2015年间,该刊国际来稿比例由26.5%增加到47.9%,影响因子由2011年的0.832提高到2015年的1.923。通过对该刊近5年发展状况的全面分析,为期刊未来发展方向提供科学决策依据,为我国地理学期刊质量提升提供参考。
其他语种文摘 Based on Journal Citation Reports, Web of Science, Springer data and manuscripts statistics data, we analyzed the citation indices of Journal of Geographical Sciences (JGS) from 2011 to 2015. The main indices include the number and rate of internaltional manuscripts, published articles, downloads, impact factors, total cites, cited journals, citing journals, highly cited papers. The internaltional manuscripts come from more countries. Up to 2015,JGS has received manuscripts from 80 countries and published papers from 32 countries. The citation indices of JGS show increasing trends in recent 5 years. Impact factor of JGS increased from 0.832 in 2011 to 1.923 in 2015. Total cites increased from 366 in 2011 to 1276 in 2015. The international download number of papers in JGS increased year by year, and the download number in 2015 was 2.82 times that of 2011. The published papers have good influences. The research can provide scientific suggestions for the development of Journal of Geographical Sciences and references for the quality improvement of other Chinese geographical j ournals.
来源 地理学报 ,2016,71(7):1262-1268 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201607014
关键词 地理学报(英文版) ; 影响因子 ; 被引频次 ; 被引期刊 ; 施引期刊

中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 北京, 100101

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
基金 中国科技期刊国际影响力提升项目 ;  中国科协精品科技期刊项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:5756324

参考文献 共 6 共1页

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