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Personality and Job Burnout in Teachers: Cross-level Moderating of Group Identification


文摘 目的:探究团队认同在教师人格与职业倦怠关系中的调节作用。方法:采用大五人格量表、工作倦怠量表和团队认同量表对2300名中小学教师测评。结果:多层线性模型结果表明:①开放性显著负向预测成就感丧失(β=-0.91,P <0.001),责任心显著负向预测成就感丧失(β=-1.38,P <0.001)和热情枯竭(β=-2.90,P <0.001),外向性显著负向预测成就感丧失(β=-0.57,P <0.001)、精力枯竭(β=-2.63,P <0.001)和热情枯竭(β=-3.51,P <0.001),宜人性显著负向预测成就感丧失(β=-0.74,P <0.001)、精力枯竭(β=-1.38,P <0.01)和热情枯竭(β=-3.65,P <0.001),神经质显著预测成就感丧失(β=0.50,P <0.001)、精力枯竭(β=4.68,P <0.001)和热情枯竭(β=3.71,P <0.001);②团队认同显著负向预测成就感丧失(β=-0.39,P <0.05)和热情枯竭(β=-2.12,P <0.01);③团队认同与外向性(β=0.37,P <0.05)和宜人性(β=0.41,P < 0.05)的交互作用显著预测成就感丧失。结论:教师的人格各维度和团队认同对职业倦怠有不同的预测作用,团队层面的认同可以减缓个体低外向性和低宜人性对成就感丧失的负性影响。
其他语种文摘 Objective: To explore the moderating effects of group identification between personality and job burnout of teachers. Methods: 2300 primary and high school teachers were investigated using the Big Five Inventory, Job Burnout Scale and Group Identification Scale. Results: The hierarchical liner model analysis showed that ①Openness negatively predicted reduced professional self-effectiveness burnout(β=-0.91,P <0.001), Consciousness negatively predicted professional self-effectiveness burnout(β=-1.38,P <0.001) and passion burnout(β=-2.90,P <0.001), Extroversion negatively predicted professional self-effectiveness burnout(β=-0.57,P <0.001), energy burnout(β=-2.63,P <0.001) and passion burnout (β=-3.51,P <0.001), Agreeableness negatively predicted professional self-effectiveness burnout(β=-0.74,P <0.001), energy burnout(β=-1.38,P <0.01) and passion burnout(β=-3.65,P <0.001), Neuroticism predicted professional self-effectiveness burnout(β=0.50,P <0.001), energy burnout(β=4.68,P <0.001) and passion burnout(β=3.71,P <0.001); ②Group identification negatively predicted professional self-effectiveness burnout(β=-0.39, P <0.05) and passion burnout(β=-2.12, P < 0.01); ③There were significant moderating effects between group identification and extroversion(β=0.37,P <0.05), as well as between group identification and agreeableness(β=0.41,P <0.05) in the prediction of professional self-effectiveness burnout. Conclusion: Teachers’personality and group identification predict job burnout. Group level identification may alleviate the negative influence of low extraversion and agreeableness on job burnout.
来源 中国临床心理学杂志 ,2015,23(4):741-745 【核心库】
DOI 10.16128/j.cnki.1005-3611.2015.04.041
关键词 团队认同 ; 大五人格 ; 职业倦怠 ; 跨层调节

中国科学院心理研究所, 中国科学院心理健康重点实验室, 北京, 100101

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1005-3611
学科 基础医学
基金 科技基础性工作专项《国民重要心理特征调查》
文献收藏号 CSCD:5499938

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