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Automatic Methods of Locating the Solar-Disk Center in Images Taken by a Solar-Halo Photometer


文摘 现代日晕光度计是用于精确测定日间天文监测址点多种大气参量的精密仪器,它已列为我国西部太阳设备选址工作中的重要设备之一。在数据处理中日心坐标的选取对处理结果有决定性影响,但由于观测过程中日面中心坐标在图像上随时间变化,因此发展了两种用于日面中心自动定位的方法:日面总强度法和傅里叶变换相关法。详细介绍了这两种方法,并对比取得的结果差别及其对测量结果的影响。
其他语种文摘 A modern Solar-Halo Photometer(SHP) is a precision instrument used to measure various atmospheric parameters for astronomical day-time observation sites.Such an instrument plays a key role in our solar-observation site survey program in the west China.The instrument takes the photometric measurements of multiple wavelength bands.The accuracy of locating the solar-disk center can decisively affect the photometric results.The solar-disk center in an SHP image varies with time because of imperfect observation conditions.With fast increasing SHP data,there is a strong need to automatically reduce the data.Here we develop two automatic methods for locating the solar-disk center coordinates: the total solar-disk intensity curve method and the Fourier-coefficients correlation method.The first method searches for the maximum of the variation curve of the total solar-disk intensity,which is taken as the solar-disk center in the image.The second method searches for the most significant correlation between the Fourier coefficients of a mask of the solar-disk and the recorded image.We have compared the solar-disk coordinates obtained by these two methods and find that the results are very close,showing the two methods are consistent and either one can be used.With the two methods we will be able to reduce SHP data in future analyses.
来源 天文研究与技术 ,2012,9(2):176-183 【扩展库】
关键词 日晕光度测量 ; 日心坐标 ; 天文选址

中国科学院国家天文台/云南天文台, 云南, 昆明, 650011

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1672-7673
学科 天文学
基金 国家自然科学基金 ;  中国科学院方向性项目(实测太阳物理若干前沿问题研究) ;  国家973计划 ;  国家天文台天文专项基金(西部太阳选址)资助
文献收藏号 CSCD:4543337

参考文献 共 3 共1页

1.  刘顺庆. 现代日晕光度计多波段测光系统初步测试结果分析. 天文研究与技术-国家天文台台刊,2012,9(2):168-175 CSCD被引 2    
2.  Lin Haosheng. The Advanced Technology Solar Telescope site survey Sky Brightness Monitor. The Publications of the Astronomical Society of Pacific,2004,116(821):652-666 CSCD被引 4    
3.  刘念平. 日晕测量与日晕光度计外缘杂散光抑制试验. 天文学报,2011,52(2):160-170 CSCD被引 8    
引证文献 1

1 刘顺庆 CCD离焦对现代日晕光度计测量结果影响分析 天文研究与技术,2012,9(3):295-301
CSCD被引 1


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