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Assessment of Human Settlement Environment in Lancang River Basin Based on Man-Land Relationship


文摘 自20世纪90年代大湄公河次区域(GMS)经济合作的全面启动以来,澜沧江流域(即湄公河上游)成为世界关注的焦点。本文以澜沧江流域作为研究区,以人居环境作为研究内容,在明晰人居环境概念,建立基于人地关系的人居环境分析框架基础上,系统地构建了人居环境评价指标体系,选取澜沧江流域56个县(区、市),借助因子分析法和Arcgis空间分析,对2000年-2009年澜沧江流域人居环境时空演进展开实证分析。研究结果显示:①从空间格局上看,澜沧江流域人居环境适宜性由南至北等级递减;从时序演进上看,2000年-2009年澜沧江流域人居环境总体呈恶化趋势;②近10年来,基础设施在人居环境中的重要性逐步被经济发展因素所超越,大力发展经济,提升第三产业比重,进一步完善基础设施,成为改善人居环境的关键所在。
其他语种文摘 The Lancang (upper-Mekong) River originates in the Tibet-Qinghai Plateau of China and flows through China’s Tibet Autonomous Region and Yunnan Province for over 2100 kilometers before reaching the Chinese border. After leaving China, it passes through Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam countries. The whole length of the Lancang-Mekong River is over 4800 km and the drainage area of it is about 811,000 km 2. As a transboundary river as well as the 7th biggest river in Asia, the Lancang-Mekong River becomes the most important international river in Southeast Asia. In addition, with a variety of geomorghological and climate features, the Lancang-Mekong River Basin has all kinds of ecosystems in northern hemisphere except desert and marine, and a world-class gene pool, making it irreplaceable in the world. Since the international economic cooperation launched in Great Mekong Subregion in 1990s, Lancang River basin (upstream of Mekong River) has received wide attention from the international community. Human settlement issues in the Lancang River are crucial to China as more than 10 million people live in Lancang River Basin of China. With human settlement as the research contents, this paper has systematically built an evaluation index system on the basis of clarifying the concept of human settlement and establishing an analytical framework. Besides, this paper has estimated the Spatio-temporal evolution trends of human settlement of 56 counties (autonomous regions or municipalities) in Lancang River Basin from 2000 to 2009 using factor analysis and Arcgis spatial analysis. Conclusions are as follows: 1) From the point of view of spatial patterns, suitability ranking of human settlement in Lancang River Basin decreases pregressively from south to north; from the perspective of temporal evolution, the suitability of human settlement in Lancang River Basin from 2000 to 2009 was getting worse on the whole; 2) Over the past decade, the importance of infrastructure in human settlemnet has been surpassed by economic development factors such as GDP Per Capita (GDPPC) and the Proportion of the Tertiary Industry(PTI); At last, several policy recommendations, for example, vigorously developing the economy, enhancing the proportion of tertiary industry and further improving the infrastructure in Lancang River Basin have been given in the paper.
来源 资源科学 ,2012,34(7):1192-1199 【核心库】
关键词 人地关系 ; 人居环境 ; 澜沧江流域 ; 时空演进

中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 北京, 100101

语种 中文
ISSN 1007-7588
学科 环境质量评价与环境监测
基金 国家科技部基础性工作专项:“澜沧江与大香格里拉地区综合科学考察部分成果
文献收藏号 CSCD:4586875

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