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Metallogenic lithologic assemblages and structural ore-controlling styles of lead-zinc polymetallic deposits in the northwestern Guizhou Province, China


何志威 1,2   李泽琴 2   陈军 3   张嘉玮 4   黄智龙 3 *  
文摘 随着黔西北地区铅锌矿成矿理论与地质勘查深度融合,纳雍枝、猪拱塘等大型-超大型铅锌矿床相继被发现,实现了该区找矿历史上最重大的突破,揭示了该区巨大的找矿潜力。成矿岩性组合与构造控矿样式是铅锌矿体就位的基本要素,亦是矿床学研究中根本的科学问题,可为矿产预测提供最直接的证据。本文深入剖析了黔西北地区7个典型铅锌矿床的控矿岩性组合与构造样式,厘定了2种控矿岩性组合和4种构造控矿样式,分别是碳质页岩+碳酸盐岩+碳质页岩组合和碳质页岩+含碳质泥质碳酸盐岩组合,张性断裂-背斜、断裂复合空间、逆断裂纵向羽状节理和平行次级断裂构造控矿样式。总结了“流体-构造组合导入-岩性组合圈闭”的成矿过程,深化了矿体就位机制,完善了矿床成矿模式。以期为该区成矿预测与深部找矿提供理论依据。
其他语种文摘 With the deep integration of metallogenic theories and geological exploration of lead-zinc polymetallic deposits in the northwest Guizhou, several large and super-large lead-zinc deposits such as the Nayongzhi and Zhugongtang have been discovered subsequently in the area. The discovery of those deposits resulted in the most important breakthrough in the prospecting history of lead-zinc polymetallic deposits in the northwest Guizhou and revealed the great prospecting potential of Pb-Zn resources in the area. Metallogenic lithologic assemblages and structural ore-controlling styles are not only the basic factors for the emplaced lead-zinc polymetallic orebodies, but also the fundamental scientific issues for the study of ore deposits. They can be used as direct evidences for mineral Pb-Zn resources prediction. In this paper, we have deeply analyzed the ore-controlling lithologic assemblages and structural styles of seven typical lead-zinc deposits in the northwest Guizhou, determined two kinds of ore-controlling lithologic assemblages (carbonaceous shale+ carbonate+ carbonaceous shale; carbonaceous shale+ carbonaceous argillaceous carbonate) and four kinds of structural ore-controlling styles ("extensional fault-anticline", "faulting composite space", "longitudinal pinnate joints of the reverse fault" and "parallel secondary fault"), summarized the metallogenic process of "the fluid-structure combined input and the lithologic assemblage entrapment", deeply understand the emplacement mechanism of lead-zinc polymetallic orebodies, and finally improved the metallogenic model of lead-zinc polymetallic deposits. This paper has provided a theoretical basis for predicting and prospecting Pb-Zn resources in depth in this area.
来源 矿物学报 ,2020,40(4):367-375 【核心库】
DOI 10.16461/j.cnki.1000-4734.2020.40.018
关键词 铅锌多金属矿床 ; 岩性组合 ; 构造样式 ; 黔西北地区

1. 西南能矿集团股份有限公司, 贵州, 贵阳, 550000  

2. 成都理工大学地球科学学院, 四川, 成都, 610000  

3. 中国科学院地球化学研究所, 矿床地球化学国家重点实验室, 贵州, 贵阳, 550081  

4. 贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局贵州省地质调查院, 贵州, 贵阳, 550081

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-4734
学科 地质学
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 ;  贵州省项目 ;  西南能矿集团股份有限公司青年科技创新基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:6778276

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引证文献 4

1 黄智龙 贵州碳酸盐岩型铅锌矿床:问题与进展 矿物学报,2020,40(4):341-345
CSCD被引 2

2 成功 滇东北毛坪富锗铅锌矿床"多层位"赋矿规律及其控制机理 矿物岩石地球化学通报,2023,42(1):167-179
CSCD被引 0 次


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