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Structural characteristics and evolution in Guizhou Province. west of Xuefeng Mountain


刘丽萍 1   李三忠 1 *   戴黎明 1   王岳军 2   刘博 1   金宠 1   张国伟 3  
文摘 贵州中生代变形主要发生在燕山期, 发育三幕褶皱变形、两幕逆冲和三幕走滑。根据区域对比、卷人褶皱的地层和褶铍间的叠加关系, 判断三期褶皱的形成顺序依次为近东西向、北东向和南北向, 时限在J_3-K_2之间。逆冲推覆构造主要由向北西或西逆冲的近南北向逆冲断层组成, 大体与南北向褶皱同时形成;自雪峰构造带西缘向西, 依次划分出根部带、中部带和前锋带。但是, 在根部带识别出两幕逆冲推覆, 其它两带各识别出一幕。走滑断层也有3个方向:东西向、北东向和近南北向。东西向走滑断层呈现出右行压扭的运动学特征, 而大多数北东向走滑断层是左行张扭性质的。依据各个方向断层间的切割和限制关系, 推测东西向走滑断层最早形成, 其次是南北向逆冲断层, 北东向走滑断层最晚活动。这些断裂和褶皱特征, 总体表现出贵州多重多种复合联合的构造特征, 最后, 探讨了本区的构造成因模式。
其他语种文摘 The main Mesozoic deformation in the Guizhou Province is Yanshanian three.stage folding, two-stage thrusting and three-stage strike slipping.Three-stage folds of different strikes are divided based on their newest.involved strata in these folds and their superposition relationship.The earliest is nearly EW-striking folds, and the second is NE-striking folds, followed by the N-S-striking folds.The folds formed between Late Jurassic and Late Cretaceous.The thrust fauh system consists of the top.to.northwest or top.to.west.NS.striking thrust faults coeval to the NS.striking folds.To the west of west margin of the Xuefeng basement, the thrust belt can be divided into three sections:the root zone, the middle zone and the frontal zone from the east to the west.It underwent two.stage thrusting in root zone. However.there is only one-stage thrusting in the other two zones.Three-stage, differentlyoriented strike.slip fauhs extend spatially parallel to axes of three folds and temporally later than the equivalent folding.respectively.EW·striking strike-slip faults are dextral and transpressional.However.NE.striking strike-slip faults are almost sinistral and transextenional. According to their intersection and confinement among these faults.it is obvious that EW. striking strike-slip faults occurred at the earliest stage, followed by NS-and NE-striking ones in sequence.At last, a possible dynamic model about deformation in Guizhou is proposed.
来源 地质科学 ,2010,45(1):228-242 【核心库】
关键词 雪峰山 ; 燕山期 ; 褶皱 ; 逆冲推覆 ; 成因模式

1. 中国海洋大学海洋地球科学学院, 海底科学与探测技术教育部重点实验审, 青岛, 266100  

2. 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所, 广州, 510640  

3. 西北大学, 西安, 710069

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0563-5020
学科 地质学
基金 中国石化总公司重大科技攻关项目“中国南方(中上扬子)大陆构造与海相油气前景”
文献收藏号 CSCD:3900671

参考文献 共 16 共1页

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