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Study on well deviation data process and field application based on radius of curvature


隋国华 1   隋志强 2   袁亚娟 1   单森 3  
文摘 复杂断块油气田勘探开发中所钻的斜井是提高勘探开发成功率的重要途径之一,井斜数据用于勘探开发研究时需要进行相关的转换和计算。以实钻资料为依据,通过对比分析正切法、平均角法、平衡正切法、曲率半径法和最小曲率法等5种常用的井斜数据处理方法的计算精度,优选出曲率半径法用于胜利油区井斜数据的处理。基于曲率半径法的几何原理,推导了在不同应用条件下相关参数的计算方法和计算公式,解决了井斜历史数据的数字化处理以及井斜数据的综合应用等方面的算法研制问题。通过对其算法进行软件模块封装,在胜利油区勘探决策支持系统和三维地质建模系统中得以调用,应用于井震结合的合成地震记录和层位标定、井位部署中的斜井轨迹显示及设计和斜井钻井工程中的跟踪对比等实际工作中,取得明显成效。
其他语种文摘 It’s one of the important ways for oil and gas exploration and development to drill deviated wells to improve its success rate in complex fault block of oil and gas field.The measured data of deviated wells needs to be converted and calculated appropriately when they are utilized in the study of exploration and development.Based on the real deviated wells data of Shengli oilfield to compare and analyze five processing methods in use,such as the tangential method,the average angle method,the balanced tangential method,theminimum curvature method and the curvature radius method.The paper studies and optimizes the radius of curvature as the process approach of deviated wells data.And,based on its geometric principle,it deduces some calculation formula under different conditions,which solves the algorithm problems such as the digital process of historical wells deviation data and the comprehensive application of all deviation data.Consequently,the relevant software module is developed and integrated in the Exploration Decision Support System and in the Three-Dimensional Geological Modeling System.It will be widely used in the synthetic seismogram and horizon calibration among the comprehensive geological study of well-seismic combination,the visualization and design of deviated wells pathway of well deployment and the comparison and track of deviated well drilling project.
来源 油气地质与采收率 ,2011,18(6):46-49 【扩展库】
关键词 曲率半径法 ; 井斜数据处理 ; 勘探决策支持系统 ; 三维地质建模系统 ; 地质应用

1. 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所, 广东, 广州, 510640  

2. 中国石化股份胜利油田分公司物探研究院, 山东, 东营, 257022  

3. 中国石化集团胜利石油管理局地质录井公司, 山东, 东营, 257002

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1009-9603
学科 石油、天然气工业
基金 国家863计划
文献收藏号 CSCD:4423381

参考文献 共 10 共1页

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