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Floating children in Guangzhou: The construction of "home" in the context of urbanization


陈淳 1,2   袁振杰 3   朱竑 3 *  
文摘 随迁流动儿童是当下中国流动人口重要且长期被学术界忽视的部分。城乡的空间跨越和生境差异对儿童关于“家”的理解产生深远影响。在文献回顾的基础上,以广州流动儿童作为研究对象,从“儿童视角”出发,通过绘图、写作、焦点小组讨论等适合儿童特点的方法进行数据的收集和分析,探讨城市流动儿童在家的建构过程中的参与和主观感知。主要结论为:①随迁流动儿童经历着复杂的家庭分离和重组,这种动力机制在空间上体现出“家”空间的不确定性和不稳定性。流动性已成为新型城镇化背景下家空间最重要的特性;②随迁流动儿童的 “家”是城市的“家”和乡村的“家”叠加起来的意象。城市流动儿童摇摆在“城”与“乡”之间,其生长的经历中混杂着城市与乡村两种人地关系和生活经历。“城—乡”二元的混杂成为新型城镇化背景下理解“家”空间的重要路径;③流动儿童拥有构建“家”空间的能动性和策略。在 “家”的构建过程中,流动儿童充分发挥他们的能动性,通过分担家庭责任等方式成为迁移的积极参与者,即使经历着与家庭成员的频繁分离,他们依然有自己的策略去维系“家”的存在,实现整个家庭在城乡迁移过程中的完整性和稳定性。研究结论丰富了国内人文地理学视角下的移民研究及儿童研究的相关理论成果,并为认识和缓解当前流动儿童问题提供可借鉴的实践经验和政策建议。
其他语种文摘 "Floating children" are an essential part of Chinese migrants but have long been ignored in research. In this paper, focusing on the floating children in Guangzhou, we attempt to examine the roles of the floating children in the construction of home by conducting interview, drawing, writing and etc. The findings are:(1) "Floating children" are experiencing complex family separation and reorganization, which leads to the uncertainty and instability of the space of home. Meanwhile, mobility has become the most important characteristic of the construction of home under the background of China's urbanization;(2) the perception of home for floating children who moved between rural and urban areas is a mosaic constructed by the overlapped experiences of growth process of their variables. The rural- urban dualism has become an important way to understand the space of home under the background of new-type urbanization;(3) floating children have the ability and means to help create their homes. They play an active role in this process in a variety of ways such as sharing their parents' responsibilities. They have their own means to help hold their homes together during the course of the rural- to-urban migration even though their family members are always on the go. This study aims to enrich the research on migration and children issues from the perspective of human geography, and to provide the public with practical empirical experiences and possible policy recommendations to understand the current floating children issues.
来源 地理学报 ,2018,73(12):2440-2451 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201812012
关键词 流动儿童 ; ; 建构 ; 城镇化 ; 广州

1. 华南师范大学地理科学学院, 广州, 510631  

2. 华南师范大学文化产业与文化地理研究中心, 广州, 510631  

3. 广州大学华南人文地理与城市发展研究中心, 广州, 510006

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目 ;  国家自然科学基金项目 ;  广东省自然科学基金 ;  国家教育部人文社会科学研究青年项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:6385602

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