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Review of the Researches on Rural Housing Land Transfer at Farm Household Level


周婧   杨庆媛 *  
文摘 农户层面研究对解析人地关系特别是农户与地理环境的相互作用所凸显的优越性与实践性收到学界的广泛推崇,成为当前学者研究农村发展与土地利用问题的重要手段。采用文献回顾法、归纳法,本文对国内外农户层面农村宅基地流转研究进行了归纳与对比分析。研究表明,国内外学者对宅基地流转的讨论对象与研究热点差异明显,研究方法与视角等也略有差异。国外学者对宅基地流转研究的关注度尚不多,已有成果主要集中在20世纪80年代以前,研究多基于农户层面的问卷调查展开,偏重对流转过程中农户流转行为,流转区位选择,流转与逆城市化带来的影响展开;国内学者对宅基地流转的关注日益提升,研究内容涉及流转中农户权益保障的政策讨论,农户心理与行为响应分析,农户需求与收益分配研究,流转政策实施评价等方面,研究以经济地理学、行为经济学、社会学等理论为指导,以探求农户需求与保障农户权益为出发点展开讨论,大量运用调查数据展开实证讨论。今后研究应加强对流转过程中各个主体需求的讨论,并注重对农户生存与经济、社会与精神等需求层面关注,加强地理空间信息与社会经济环境相结合的研究,加强对农户模型与计量经济学方法的系统运用与校验。
其他语种文摘 The advantages and practical value that farm household researches have in explaining human-land relationship,especially in household-environment interaction,have been widely noticed,and household has been a key research method in rural development and land use study.This paper compared international with domestic academic researches on rural housing land transfer at the farm household level.There are evident differences in the focus on housing land transfer at home and abroad,due to the inconformity of the rural development stages.Rural housing land transfer which wildly happened before the 1980s did not draw much attention from the scholars.Most of the foreign literatures looked at household transfer behavior and transfer location choosing and the impact of counter-urbanization from the view of farm households using farm household models through some econometrics methods.The domestic scholars have paid an increasing attention to the household housing land transfer.The existing progresses are found in the political discussion on households’right protection,analysis of household behavior and psychological response,household need and income allocation,and evaluation of policy implementation based on some basic statistical analyses from the views of economic geography and behavioral economics and sociology.It is recommended that the future researchers should pay more attention to the requirements including surviving,economic,social and spiritual needs,and the social and geographical environment in rural housing land transfer studies.
来源 地理科学进展 ,2012,31(2):139-148 【核心库】
关键词 宅基地流转 ; 农户层面 ; 研究进展 ; 述评

西南大学地理科学学院, 重庆, 400715

语种 中文
文献类型 综述型
ISSN 1007-6301
学科 社会科学总论
基金 国家教育部人文社会科学研究项目 ;  重庆市哲学社会科学研究项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:4454675

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