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Introduction to the 30m Ringy Interferometric Telescope


文摘 简要介绍了云南天文台对下一代地面大型天文光学望远镜进行的初步研究,依据这些研究结果我们提出研制一个新概念的大型地面望远镜:30m环形干涉望远镜(Ringy Interferometric Telescope),它既有单口径望远镜那样的直接成像能力和分辨率,又可以进行综合孔径模式的高分辨率成像,该计划显著地不同于经典的地面大型望远镜,对其中关键技术的研究正在积极进行之中。
其他语种文摘 In order to meet the demands of exploring extra- terrestrial planets, black holes and other astronomical utmost observation in the nearinfrared and optical regions, several extremely large telescopes (optical and infrared) with the aperture diameter larger than 30m and the long baseline optical synthetic aperture imaging arrays have been proposed. We advise to build a ringy shape telescope with a large primary mirror, and the telescope with such formation is called Ringy Interferometric Telescope- RIT. The form of the RIT is between the forms of a traditional ELT and an interferometric array. The paper also shows our research results about the ringy aperture. An optical parameter WRR is introduced in this paper, it is the ratio of effective ring width to the aperture outer radius. The normalized modulation transfer function (MTF) of the ringy aperture is uniquely decided by the WRR. The MTF of the ringy aperture has the characteristic of experiencing a comparatively flat area in the middle-frequency region and a short raise in the high-frequency region when WRR 〈 0.54; and when WRR 〉 0.54, the MTF is more approximately to that of a full circular aperture. Obviously, the ringy aperture has the characteristic of covering the spatial frequencies fully and integrally, even if in the case of a very small WRR. Filling factor can be expressed quantificationally by WRR. We also have done several observational experiments with the ringy aperture for astronomical objects using the 1m optical telescope in Yunnan Observatory. We have used a ringy mask whose outer diameter is 1 m and WRR is 0.2, and we have got the high resolution reconstruction image of an object under observation by ISA. On the foundation of these research results, we propese to build a segmented RIT with outer diameter 30m and effective ring width lm. Because of the whole spatial- frequency coverage characteristic, images photographed by RIT can have the same spatial resolution with a 30m full aperture telescope, need only some simple processes. The resolution (FWHM) of RIT can reach to 0. 003 arcsec, its light- gathering area equivalent to that of a 10m full aperture telescope. Since its simple configuration, the cost of building the 30m RIT will not exceed that of a 10m segmented telescope a lot.
来源 天文研究与技术 ,2006,3(1):64-72 【核心库】
关键词 干涉成像 ; 望远镜 ; 环形孔径 ; 高分辨率成像

中国科学院国家天文台云南天文台, 云南, 昆明, 650011

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1672-7673
学科 天文学
文献收藏号 CSCD:2296821

参考文献 共 10 共1页

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