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The chemical composition and stable carbon isotope characteristics of particulate matter from the residential honeycomb coal briquettes combustion


文摘 本文选用了镜质组反射率在0.77%~1.88%之间5种不同成熟度的煤,将其制成民用蜂窝煤球,研究民用蜂窝煤燃烧排放颗粒物(PM)的化学组成,包括元素(C、N、O、S)、有机碳(OC)、元素碳(EC)和水溶性无机离子(WSII),稳定碳同位素组成特征和质量吸收效率值(MAE),并讨论了它们与煤成熟度之间的关系。结果表明,5种原煤C、N、O、S元素组成差别不大,但是燃烧后排放的PM化学组成差别比较大。无烟煤燃烧排放的PM粒径分布呈双峰结构,峰值分别在0.09μm 和0.25μm;而烟煤PM的峰值为0.58μm。无烟煤排放PM的颗粒数远小于烟煤。PM、OC和EC的排放受煤成熟度的影响非常大,无烟煤排放的量最小,分别为2.21 g/kg、0.22 g/kg和0.004 g/kg;成熟度最低的烟煤排放量最大,分别为70.3 g/kg 、46.1 g/kg和2.42 g/kg。PM、OC和EC的排放因子与煤的成熟度成幂指数关系。EC的MAE在0.17~21.9 m~2/g之间,与煤成熟度呈指数相关关系。燃煤 WSII 的平均排放因子为801 mg/kg, WSII 当中含量最高的是NH_4~+和SO_4~(2-),平均分别占 WSII总量的23.5%和44.4%。燃煤排放PM的δ~(13)C变化范围为–24.5‰~–22.8‰,平均值为–23.6‰。以上研究有助于人们从原煤性质的角度去考察民用燃煤对人类健康和气候变化的影响,并为大气污染源解析提供一些科学依据。
其他语种文摘 In this study, 5 coals with different vitrinite reflectance (Ro = 0.77%~1.88%) were selected, powdered and made into honeycomb coal briquettes. The emission factors of particulate matter (PM) including elements (C, N, O, S), organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC) and water soluble inorganic ion (WSII) and the mass absorption efficiency (MAE) of EC were determined. The relationship between chemical composition and geological maturity were discussed. The results show that the raw coals with similar elementary composition may yield emissions with different chemical composition. There were two peaks of size distribution of PM from anthracite which was at 0.09 μm and 0.25 μm, respectively, while the peak of size distribution of PM from bituminous coal was at 0.58 μm. The number of PM from the anthracite was much lower than that from bituminous coal. The emission of PM, OC and EC has a power exponent dependence on the geological maturity. The emission of PM, OC and EC was 2.21 g/kg, 0.22 g/kg and 0.004 g/kg for anthracite with the highest geological maturity, and 70.3 g/kg, 46.1 g/kg and 2.42 g/kg for bituminous coal with the lowest geological maturity. MAE of EC from coal combustion was in the range of 0.17~21.9 m2/g. The average emission factor of WSII was 801 mg/kg, and NH_4~+ and SO_4~(2-) were the most abundant, accounting for 23.5%and 44.4%of total WSII. Stable carbon isotope (δ~(13)C) of PM emitted from the coal combustion was in the range of–24.5‰~–22.8‰and their average value was–23.6‰. The results in this study would be helpful to understanding the impacts of coal combustion on human health and the climate, and could be used in the source apportion of PM in the atmosphere.
来源 地球化学 ,2014,43(6):640-640 【核心库】
关键词 民用燃煤 ; 稳定碳同位素 ; 成熟度 ; 排放因子 ; 有机碳 ; 元素碳 ; 无机水溶性离子 ; 质量吸收效率值

中国科学院广州地球化学研究所, 有机地球化学国家重点实验室, 广东, 广州, 510640

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0379-1726
学科 地质学;环境科学基础理论;环境污染及其防治
基金 国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:5315622

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