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An Association Study on Tourists' Cognition, Perceived Value and Behavior Intention Based on Structural Equation Model (SEM):A Case Study of Inbound Tourists in Xi'an City


白凯 1   马耀峰 1   李天顺 1   孙天宇 2  
文摘 旅游者行为是行为地理学研究的重要内容.旅游者在旅游目的地的体验评价是旅游者对旅游目的地的一种认知评估,这种认知评估是旅游者认知在理性和情感层面的唤醒,其结果直接影响旅游者的行为意图.通过构建旅游者认知和旅游者感知价值、旅游者行为意图的结构方程(SEM).以西安入境旅游者为实例研究发现:①旅游者个体认知行为和感知价值及旅游者行为意图呈正相关关系,当个体认知评价水平增加时个体感知价值也对应增加,这种正相关关系使感知价值和行为意图也呈现正相关关系,即个体感知价值水平越高个体行为意图越强烈;②旅游者对旅游服务的感知价值、旅游设施的感知价值和旅游吸引力的感知价值是主导旅游者行为意图的主要因素;③该研究结果不仅在技术层面上证明了旅游者认知和旅游者感知价值、旅游者行为意图的关系,在理论和方法创新上也弥补了发生学中个体认知和其它行为变量之间关系研究的空缺,即个体认知评价和个体行为意图之间为正相关关系,这也支持了体验观点中"认知-感动-行为"的研究范例.研究结果说明了旅游者个体认知研究可以很好的预测旅游者行为意图,这对旅游目的地形象等研究有着重要的理论和实践意义.
其他语种文摘 Tourists' behavior is an important content in the research of behavior geography.Tourists' experience quality assessment is a sort of cognition evaluation to the destination,and it is the conscious awareness of tourists' cognition in both rational and emotional aspects,which has a direct impact on tourists' behavior intention.By building the SEM among tourists'cognition,perceived value and behavior intention,taking the overseas tourists in Xi'an city as an example,this paper concludes that,first,individual tourists' cognitive behavior has a positive correlation with the perceived value and behavior intention.When individual cognitive assessment rises,the individual perceived value correspondingly increases,and this positive correlation results in the same correlation between perceived value and behavior intention,that is to say,the higher the level of individual perceived value,the stronger the behavior intention.Second,tourists' perceived value on tourism facilities,tourism consumption and tourism attraction are the key elements which dominate tourists' behavior.Third,the paper not only proves the correlation among tourists' cognition,perceived value and tourists' behavior intention in technique level,but also fills a gap in the theoretical and methodological study of the relation between individual cognition and other behavior variables with the generative theory.Obviously it is indicated that individual perceptive assessment level and individual behavior intention have positive correlation,which supports the example of "cognition-impacting-behavior" in experience points as well.The result shows that individual cognition research can predict tourists' behavior intention properly,which has significant theoretical and practical significance to the research of destination image and other areas.
来源 地理学报 ,2010,65(2):244-255 【核心库】
关键词 旅游者认知 ; 感知价值 ; 行为意图 ; 入境旅游者 ; 西安

1. 陕西师范大学旅游与环境学院, 陕西, 西安, 710062  

2. 西北工业大学理学院, 陕西, 西安, 710072

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 社会科学总论
基金 国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:3832517

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