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Technology Status of Extracting Bitumen from Oil Sand using Hot alkaline Water


文摘 作为非常规石油资源的油砂受到愈来愈多的重视.本文评述了世界油砂资源开发现状和中国油砂资源的利用前景,总结了工业上成熟的油砂沥青热碱水萃取技术分离沥青的流程,论述了热碱水萃取过程中沥青与矿物,粘土和气泡之间相互作用及其对沥青分离效率的影响;全面总结了油砂沥青热碱水萃取过程中温度,pH值,多价阳离子和加工助剂等物理化学条件对沥青与矿物之间相互作用和沥青有效分离的影响.最后指出油砂沥青热碱水萃取分离的最优化实验技术研究是值得进一步深入研究的方向,原子力显微镜的运用和不同萃取技术的综合运用将在改善沥青的萃取分离效果上发挥作用
其他语种文摘 As an unconventional fuel resource, tar sand is widely considered to be an important supplement for oil production in the near future due to the skyrocketing price of crude oil and the increasing demand of fuel resources in the world. This paper reviewed oil sand utilization worldwide and the prospect of oil sand exploitation in China. The commercial procedures for hot water based bitumen extraction and subsequent bitumen purification were reviewed. Interactions of bitumen-minerals, bitumen-clay and bitumen-gas bubbles were discussed. The effect of various physical, chemical parameters, such as water temperature,pH value, metal ions in the slurring water and various processing additives,to the interactions of bitumen-mineral and the final recovery of bitumen is systematically summarized. The reviewers believed that finding optimized technique for the hot water based bitumen extraction and separation will be a potential future research focus, and believed that application of Atom Force Microscopy and synthetic utilization of various extraction methods will play an important role in enhancing oil sand bitumen extraction
来源 矿物岩石地球化学通报 ,2011,30(1):113-118 【扩展库】
关键词 油砂 ; 热碱水萃取 ; 影响因素

中国科学院广州地球化学研究所, 有机地球化学国家重点实验室, 广州, 510640

语种 中文
文献类型 综述型
ISSN 1007-2802
学科 行业污染、废物处理与综合利用
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:4156314

参考文献 共 48 共3页

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