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An High-effective Method of Extracting Genomic DNA from Saxifragaceae Plants


文摘 [目的]探索从虎耳草科植物中提取DNA的有效方法.[方法]采用改进的CTAB法,从11种虎耳草科植物中提取DNA.以提取的DNA为模板,利用通用引物"psb AF"和"trnHR"对虎耳草科植物叶绿体DNA psb A-trn H片段进行PCR扩增.[结果]通过该方法提取的DNA纯度较高,质量较好.用所得DNA进行psb A-trn H扩增的产量高,可用于后续的测序等分析.对山地虎耳草的PCR产物纯化后进行测序,得到262 bp的序列.将其与CenBank中的虎耳草属其他植物的psb A-tm H序列进行比对分析,证实该序列为目标psb A-trn H片段的区域.[结论]该方法可有效去除次生物质对DNA的干扰,提取的基因组DNA可用于叶绿体psb A-trn H测序分析和其他遗传学分析.
其他语种文摘 [Objective] The research aimed to explore the effective method of extracting DNA from Saxifragaceae plants.[Method] DNA was extracted from 11 species of Saxifragaceae plants by using the modified CATB method.With the extracted DNA as template,the universal primers "psbAF" and "trnHR" were used to make PCR amplification on psbA-trnH fragment in chloroplast DNA from Saxifragaceae plants.[Result] DNA with higher purity and better quality was obtained by this method.The yield of PCR amplification on psbA-trnH with the obtained DNA was high and it could be used in analysis such as the subsequent sequencing.The PCR products of Saxifraga montana H.Smith were purified and sequenced,and a sequence with the size of 262 bp was obtained.It was compared with psbA-trnH sequence in other plants Saxifraga L.on GenBank website,which proved that this sequence was target region of psbA-trnH sequence.[Conclusion] This method could wipe off the disturbance of secondary substances to DNA and the extracted genomic DNA could be used in sequencing analysis of chloroplast psbA-trnH and other genetic analysis.
来源 安徽农业科学 ,2008,36(16):6673-6674,6728 【扩展库】
关键词 虎耳草科 ; 基因组DNA提取 ; psb A-trn H

中国科学院西北高原生物研究所, 中科院高原生物适应与进化重点实验室, 青海, 西宁, 810001

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0517-6611
学科 分子生物学
基金 国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:3340197

参考文献 共 10 共1页

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