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A study on classification system and inventory of gobi


文摘 建立统一的戈壁分类和编目体系,是进一步深入研究戈壁的理论基础,也是合理开发利用戈壁资源的前提。到目前为止,只有少量文献或著作提到戈壁或戈壁类型,关于戈壁编目的研究更鲜有报道。为了促进戈壁研究的规范化,本文在参照现有戈壁分类基础上,结合戈壁科学考察成果,根据戈壁的形成原因、地表物质组成与植被类型,分三级建立了戈壁分类体系,并对每一级每一类的戈壁特征进行了较为详细的阐述。在戈壁分类基础上,提出戈壁编目设想,以期为进一步深入开展戈壁研究奠定基础。
其他语种文摘 Gobi is one of the main landscape types in the arid regions in northwest China. There is an area of about 661 thousand km~2 in China, accounting for 6.9% of the total territory, and meanwhile, there are abundant natural resources, such as land resources, biology resources, solar energy resources, wind energy resources, and mineral resources in the gobi region. However, bad natural conditions and sparse population in this region lead to few field investigations, and thus few research documents related to the gobi can be obtained. Establishing a series of unified gobi classification standards and cataloging system are not only the theory basis for conducting further gobi studies, but also the precondition for developing the abundant natural resources in the gobi region reasonably. So far, there are few research documents related to the gobi status, gobi distribution and gobi type classification, and the research documents on the gobi cataloging are even more scarce. In combination with the existing study on the gobi classification system, the result analysis of science exploration for the gobi and the discussion results of expert panels, the gobi classification system with three levels is put forward to promote the standardization of gobi research according to the cause of gobi formation, the material composition of earth's surface and the vegetation characteristics. At the same time, the relevant characteristics of each gobi type at all levels are described in detail. Moreover, some ideas on the gobi cataloging are also presented so as to collect, collate and record the main characteristic data and the related information for each gobi type systematically. It is inferred that these results can promote the standardization of gobi research.
来源 地理学报 ,2014,69(3):391-398 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201403010
关键词 戈壁 ; 戈壁分类 ; 戈壁编目

中国林业科学研究院荒漠化研究所, 北京, 100091

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 大气科学(气象学)
基金 国家自然科学基金 ;  中国林业科学研究院重大项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:5100790

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