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Characteristics and determinants of car use in Beijing


文摘 目前,中国城市私人汽车的拥有量高速增长,小汽车不仅日益成为居民日常出行的重要交通方式,更深刻影响着城市的空间结构和道路的拥堵状况。然而,目前国内对汽车使用的研究仍十分匮乏。为此,本文试图基于2011年11月到2012年7月在北京进行的一项问卷调查数据,分析家庭汽车使用行为的特征、强度及影响因素。描述性统计和(定序Logistic)回归分析结果显示,汽车使用目的、建成环境和各种家庭/个人社会经济特征对大城市居民的汽车使用强度和依赖度有重要影响。其中,通勤是居民日常使用汽车的主要目的;公共交通条件较差和停车条件便利是促使居民大量使用汽车的重要原因;婚姻状态、工作状态、家庭规模和家庭内持有驾照的成员数等对居民的日常汽车使用也有重要影响;周末与工作日的汽车使用频次或时长没有显著差异。这些发现对道路交通规划和交通政策的制定有重要参考意义。不过,要想更有效地控制汽车使用行为,未来的研究仍有必要增强对因果关系、出行的限制条件和影响交通行为的心理机制等问题的考察。
其他语种文摘 The increased private car ownership in China especially large cities has facilitated trip making and activity engagement behavior of citizens, but also led to many urban problems including traffic congestion and air pollution. While car ownership control has received much attention from academics and policy makers, not much research on private car usage in Chinese cities has been conducted. To fill in this gap, this paper examines the patterns and determinants of private car use in Beijing. Data are derived from an activitytravel behavior survey conducted in Beijing from November 2011 to July 2012. We develop econometric models from the data and find that the intensity of car usage in Beijing is significantly influenced by the purpose of car use, built environment variables and personal and household socioeconomic characteristics. Specifically, commuting is the most important purpose for car use in Beijing and the share of car use for this purpose is much higher than for other purposes; poor public transportation service and convenient parking facilities are two major driving forces of car use in Beijing; individual and household socioeconomic characteristics, such as marriage status, employment, household size and age, also play an important role. There is not much difference in frequency and duration of car usage between weekdays and weekends. These findings have important implications for transportation policymaking. Policies aiming at controlling car use may need to act on the factors that are found here as significant determinants of car use (e.g., built environment variables). It is argued that more studies on car use are required to better understand patterns and determinants of car use in Chinese cities and inform policies that can effectively reduce car use and alleviate car dependency.
来源 地理学报 ,2014,69(6):771-781 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201406005
关键词 汽车使用强度 ; 车辆行驶里程 ; 汽车依赖度 ; 建成环境 ; 北京

香港浸会大学地理系, 香港

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 自然地理学
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 ;  香港研究资助局优配研究金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:5188481

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