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Theoretical Model and Empirical Study of Translocal Food Rebranding


文摘 采用结构方程模型,构建了基于原产地形象、在地消费文化、品牌知名度、感知质量、品牌忠诚度、购买意愿等6个概念的理论模型,以广州哈根达斯为例,探讨文化地理因素如何作用于哈根达斯在中国的跨地方品牌重塑。研究发现:① 哈根达斯借助品牌重塑已在中国广泛确立其高档冰激凌品牌定位,实现了品牌升级,价格成为品牌升级的表征;② 原产地形象、在地消费文化均显著正向影响品牌知名度及感知质量,进一步对品牌忠诚度及购买意愿产生积极影响;③ 哈根达斯的品牌知名度对品牌忠诚度的影响不显著,感知质量对购买意愿的影响不显著;④ 不同于购买频率低的消费者,购买频率高的消费者的感知质量不再受原产地形象和在地消费文化的影响。本研究有助于推进跨地方饮食文化生产理论的发展,也是对品牌重塑理论的补充,将促进饮食地理领域的国际对话。
其他语种文摘 Under the background of globalization, more and more food brands are chosen to conduct translocal production. Environmental differences of places provide an opportunity for rebranding, and lead to the phenomena of translocal upgrading of food brands. As for the cases in which brands in developed regions have upgraded in less developed regions, economic factors cannot be used to fully explain such phenomena. So it is necessary to study the influencing factors from the perspective of social and cultural geography. Based on current literatures, a conceptual model depicting the relationships among country- of- origin image, local consumer culture, brand awareness, perceived quality, brand loyalty and purchase intention is proposed and empirically examined with a case study of Haagen- Dazs in Guangzhou. The empirical findings are as follows. First, in the process of translocal expansion, food brands would face cultural conflicts. In their adaptation to the new environment, food brands realize the process of translocal rebranding. Haagen- Dazs has completed its cultural reproduction in China now. It has successfully upgraded in China. Price has become the representative of brand upgrading. Second, both country- of- origin image and local consumer culture have significant positive influences on brand awareness and perceived quality, and then lead to positive impacts on brand loyalty and purchase intention. Cultural and geographical factors are proved as powerful tools to explain the translocal food rebranding. Third, this paper draws two unexpected conclusions that brand awareness/association does not significantly impact brand loyalty and perceived quality does not significantly impact purchase intention. Fourth, in the low purchase frequency group, consumers' perceived quality of Haagen-Dazs is significantly impacted by the country of origin image and local consumer culture, while the impact is not significant in the high purchase frequency group. The study will not only help to promote the theory of translocal food culture production, but also supplement the theory of rebranding. Meanwhile it will promote an international dialogue in food geography.
来源 地理学报 ,2016,71(2):338-351 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201602012
关键词 跨地方 ; 饮食 ; 原产地形象 ; 在地环境 ; 餐厅

中山大学旅游学院, 广州, 510275

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 ;  国家旅游局旅游业青年专家培养计划研究课题 ;  国家社会科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:5634572

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