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Retrospect and perspective of geomorphology researches in China over the past 40 years


程维明 1   周成虎 2   申元村 2   刘樯漪 2  
文摘 地貌学是地理学的一门主要分支学科,其研究成就与发展一直倍受人们关注。本文对中国近60年来的研究状况,尤其近40年来研究历程进行了回顾,从总结经验与发展态势出发,对地貌学科未来发展方向提出了展望。分析认为,中国地貌学科在地貌基本类型、区划以及分支学科:包括动力地貌学(包括冰川地貌、冰缘地貌、风沙地貌、黄土地貌、喀斯特地貌、河流地貌、海岸地貌等)、构造地貌学、气候地貌学、古地貌、岩石地貌学(包括丹霞地貌、花岗岩与流纹岩地貌)、其他地貌类型(包括重力地貌,人工地貌)等方面取得重大进展,地貌学已逐渐发展成为一门拥有完整学科体系的科学。通过回顾认为,应坚持地貌成因、形态相统一的原则发展传统地貌与综合地貌。加强地貌基础理论与综合地貌研究、开展地貌结构及其功能研究、构建全方位资源环境地貌信息系统、加强海岸地貌与海洋地貌研究、加强人才培养和学术团队建设,将是中国实现地貌强国目标的主要途径。
其他语种文摘 Geomorphology is one of main branchs of geography. The research achievements and prospects in geomorphology have received considerable attention for a long time. In this paper, we firstly gave a general retrospect of geomorphological research in China over the past 60 years, especially the research progresses in the last 40 years. Based on a summary of experience and a trendency of development, perspectives of geomorphological research direction in the future were provided. It is concluded that the discipline of geomorphology has made great progress in the aspects of geomorphological types, partitions, as well as their subdisciplines such as dynamic geomorphology, tectonic geomorphology, climatic geomorphology, lithological geomorphology, palaeogeomorphology. We believe that persisting in the unity principle between morphological and genetic types would be conductive for the development of traditional landforms and integrated landforms. In addition, five perspectives aim to enhance China's geomorphological research capacity. They are: (1) strengthening the research of basic geomorphology theory and the research of integrated geomorphology to expand the research space; (2) focusing more on the research of geomorphologic structure and geomorphologic function to improve the application ability of geomorphology; (3) constructing a comprehensive resource, environmental, and geomorphologic information system and building a sharing platform to upgrade the intelligent information industry of geomorphology; (4) putting more efforts on the research of coastal geomorphology and marine geomorphology to assist the transformation of China from a maritime country to an ocean power; and (5) cultivating talents and constructing research teams to maintain a sustainable development of China's geomorphological research.
来源 地理学报 ,2017,72(5):755-775 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201705001
关键词 回顾 ; 展望 ; 地貌学 ; 中国

1. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 资源与环境信息系统国家重点实验室;;江苏省地理信息资源开发与利用协同创新中心, 北京, 100101  

2. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 资源与环境信息系统国家重点实验室, 北京, 100101

语种 中文
文献类型 综述型
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 自然地理学
基金 资源与环境信息系统国家重点实验室自主创新项目 ;  国家自然科学基金项目 ;  测绘地理信息公益性行业科研专项
文献收藏号 CSCD:5989325

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