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Retrospect and Prospect of World Regional Geography in China


文摘 本文总结近年来中国地理学家在世界地理学科领域的研究进展,并分析指出其存在的问题及未来的发展方向。近年来,地缘政治日益成为世界地理学者研究的热点领域,研究成果涉及地缘政治学相关理论,世界热点地区的地缘政治格局变化趋势以及大国与周边地区地缘政治形势对中国的影响等;国际投资和跨国公司地理一直是世界地理学者关注的重点领域,近年来尤其在跨国公司研发全球化问题的研究方面取得了一些重要成果;此外,在世界城市和区域发展的实证研究以及全球资源与环境治理方面也有不少成果。由于种种原因,当前我国世界地理学科的发展尚存在许多问题,一是研究力量薄弱,二是研究水平不高,三是研究经费严重不足。这三方面的问题互为因果,致使世界地理学科的发展处境每况愈下。为此,作者提出振兴世界地理学科的行动计划,包括组织举办“地理学与中国全球战略高层论坛”;加强全球性重大问题的专题研究;加强周边国家以及与我国经济关系密切国家的综合研究等。
其他语种文摘 Based on a review on works of world regional geography accomplished in China during the past 10 years and an analysis of its current problem, the research orientation for further sustained development of the discipline is discussed in this paper. Accompanied by a rapid rise of China, the fields of world regional geography in China have expanded from pure geography research on regions and countries outside China to including the study of global economy and political geography in its quest to satisfy the need of the national development. The major concerns of world regional geography researchers in China in recent years include: (1) research on world geopolitics and geo-economy, e.g. geopolitics-related theories, changing tendencies of geopolitical situations in given places across the world and some hot spots and impacts that geopolitical situations of the powers and surrounding regions have on China; (2) geographical research on international investment and multinational corporations, focusing on theories and mechanism of outward investment, spatial distribution and location determination of foreign investments in China, and analyses of investing scales, modes and performance; (3) theoretical and empirical research on the development of cities and regions in the world, highlighting the researches on laws of formation and mechanism of megalopolis and urban agglomerations around the world and empirical research on major cities in some countries such as USA, Japan, UK and France. The theoretical and empirical research on foreign regions revolves around the theory and practice of "new regionalism", new regional division of labor, regional interaction and sustainable regional development; (4) research on global resources and environmental protection and conservation, focusing on the exploitation, development and utilization of global natural resources. The most serious one is the issue of energy, which is the main subject of much related research. On the basis of the above points, the authors point out the problems emerging in the development of world regional geography as a discipline in China, such as ineffective research team, insufficient research funds and poor research abilities, as well as differences between China and other countries in this area. Finally, the paper comes to the conclusion that the golden age of world regional geography research in China has arrived, therefore, it is necessary to enhance special research on critical global issues such as geopolitics and geo-economy. Thus, it is imperative to follow through the world geography research plans, such as the comprehensive research on countries and regions closely related to China in the areas of the developing trends of world economy, politics, science and technology and strictly conform with the objectives to implementing the important strategies for national development.
来源 地理科学进展 ,2011,30(12):1519-1526 【核心库】
关键词 世界区域地理 ; 回顾与展望 ; 区域研究 ; 中国

华东师范大学资源与环境科学学院, 上海, 200062

语种 中文
文献类型 综述型
ISSN 1007-6301
学科 自然地理学
文献收藏号 CSCD:4397375

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