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Spatial equilibrium and pattern evolution of ecological civilization construction efficiency in China


王耕 1,2   李素娟 1   马奇飞 1  
文摘 研究中国生态文明建设效率的空间分布状态及格局演变特征,有利于厘清生态文明建设效率的空间差异机理,对于缩小区域差异及其驱动因素的探索具有重要的指导意义和参考价值。因此,基于“自然—经济—社会”(Nature-Economy-Society, N-E-S)复合生态系统理论和生态文明建设内涵目标构建生态文明建设效率的投入产出指标体系,并运用考虑非期望产出的SBM模型对中国2003-2015年的生态文明建设效率进行了测算,在此基础上,综合运用核密度估计、Theil指数、重心—标准差椭圆等方法,对中国生态文明建设效率的空间均衡性及其空间分布格局进行了探究。结果表明:①中国生态文明建设效率存在明显的空间非均衡性,在研究期内(2003-2015年)空间非均衡性表现为先逐渐缩小后又逐渐扩大的动态演变特征;由三大区域的Theil指数均值可知,西部地区空间非均衡程度最大(0.1174),东部次之(0.0365),中部最小(0.0223)。②从重心移动轨迹来看,中国生态文明建设效率的重心位于河南境内,历经了先向东南再向东北移动的过程,重心移动的方向表明位于该方向上的地区生态文明建设效率有所提升。③从标准差椭圆来看,中国生态文明建设效率空间分布呈现出偏东北—偏西南格局,并且这种格局有向正北—正南方向转变的趋势。
其他语种文摘 To study the spatial distribution and its evolving patterns of ecological civilization construction efficiency in China is of great help to clarify the spatial difference mechanism of ecological civilization construction efficiency, and of an important guiding significance and reference value for narrowing down regional differences and probing into the driving factors. Ecological civilization construction is a complex process, and its core lies in the coordinated development of each component of the compound natural- economic- society (N- E- S) ecosystem. Therefore, based on the compond N- E- S (nature- economy- society) ecosystem theory and the perspectives on the ecological civilization construction efficiency connotation, this paper establishes an input-output indicators system for ecological civilization construction efficiency and applies the undesirable output SBM model to calculate China's ecological civilization construction efficiency between 2003 and 2015. Further, we use the kernel density estimation, Gini coefficient, Theil index, logarithmic deviation and gravity standard ellipse to explore the spacial evolving characteristics and distribution patterns of ecological civilization construction efficiency connotation in China. The results show that: (1)There is obvious spatial disequilibrium in the efficiency of ecological civilization construction in China. During the study period (2003- 2015), the spatial disequilibrium decreases gradually and then increases gradually. According to the mean Theil indexes in the three regions of China, the western region has the biggest spatial disequilibrium degree (0.1174), followed by the eastern (0.0365) and central China (0.0223). (2) Judged by the moving track of gravity center, the gravity center of China's ecological civilization construction efficiency, located in Henan province, has moved to the southeast and then to the northeast. The moving direction of gravity center shows the increase of ecological civilization construction efficiency in space. (3) Judged by the gravity standard ellipse, the spatial distribution of China's ecological civilization construction efficiency shows a pattern inclined northeast to southwest, and has the trend of a shift to right north and south.
来源 地理学报 ,2018,73(11):2198-2209 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201811011
关键词 生态文明建设效率 ; 空间均衡性 ; 格局演变 ; SBM模型 ; 核密度估计 ; 重心—标准差椭圆

1. 辽宁师范大学城市与环境学院, 大连, 116029  

2. 辽宁师范大学海洋经济与可持续发展研究中心, 大连, 116029

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 环境保护管理
基金 教育部共建人文社会科学重点研究基地项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:6364811

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