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Spatio-temporal difference and influencing factors of environmental adaptability assessment of industrial system in the Songhua River Basin of Jilin Province


郭付友 1   佟连军 2 *   魏强 3   张慧敏 2   仇方道 4   佟伟铭 2  
文摘 基于敏感性、稳定性和响应等适应性要素构建了产业系统环境适应性评价指标体系以及评价模型,并对吉林省松花江流域产业系统环境适应性演变特征以及影响因素进行分析。结果发现:①产业系统的发展深受内外因素双重扰动作用,重型化的产业发展现实导致了产业系统运行状况不佳,而工业化的大力发展对环境的干扰不断增强;②不同的适应性要素以及适应性子系统均表现出迥然各异的区域性演变特征,产业系统与环境系统以及产业系统适应力与环境系统适应力均具有非线性变化关系特征。环境系统适应力的提升对于产业系统环境适应性的优化改善均具有更为重要作用;③产业系统环境适应性总体表现出由流域自上而下依次降低到中心-外围特征逐渐形成的过程,说明了流域产业系统环境适应性并非一定完全呈现流域的特征,流域内中心性城市功能的发挥也可以影响并且改变其演化发展趋势;④产业结构、科学技术、经济发展水平以及政府调控能力是流域产业系统环境适应性的影响因素。
其他语种文摘 On the basis of defining the connotation of the environmental adaptability of industrial system, this paper builds the environmental adaptability evaluation index system of industrial system and establishes an evaluation model in the perspective of the adaptive elements such as sensitivity, stability, and system response. And it analyzes the environmental adaptive evolution characteristics and the influencing factors of industrial system of the Songhua River Basin in Jilin Province. The results indicate that: (1) The development of industrial system has been under the double disturbance effect of internal and external factors. The internal impact is that the heavy industrial development leads to the poor industrial system operation condition. (2) The different adaptability elements and adaptability subsystem showed completely different regional evolution characteristics. The environmental and industrial system had the characteristics of nonlinear relationship, and so did the environmental system adaptability and the industrial system adaptability. (3) The environmental adaptability of industrial system turned from a feature of decreasing from upstream to downstream to a feature of the center- periphery with Changchun as the center. Obviously, the environmental adaptability of basin's industrial system represented a watershed characteristic to some extent. Meanwhile, the basin's central city functions could also influence and change the development trend of the adaptability. (4) The factors influencing the environmental adaptability of industrial system of the Songhua River Basin in Jilin Province include industrial structure, science and technology, economic development level and government regulation.
来源 地理学报 ,2016,71(3):459-470 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201603009
关键词 适应性 ; 产业 ; 环境系统 ; 松花江 ; 吉林省

1. 东北师范大学地理科学学院, 长春, 130024  

2. 中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所, 长春, 130102  

3. 河北大学经济学院, 保定, 071002  

4. 江苏师范大学城市与环境学院, 徐州, 221116

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
基金 国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:5653962

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