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Biological effects of nitrogen ion implantation on rape M1 generation


文摘 研究了氮离子(N+)注入油菜干种子引发的当代生物学效应.结果表明:N+在3.2×1016-4.6×1016/cm2注量范围内处理不影响油菜种子发芽;以3.9×1016/cm2注量处理可提高种子出苗率和成苗率;适当注量处理可促进苗期株高、叶片数和单株鲜重的增加,对成株期叶片数、茎粗、最大叶片长和宽等生物性状以及一次有效分枝数、全株总角果数和单株产量等经济性状均具有明显的生长刺激效应.同时,离子束处理区表现出广泛的变异,变异株率达到3.2%.
其他语种文摘 The biological effects of nitrogen ion implantation (25 keV; 3.2 * 10~(16); 3.9 * 10~(16) and 4.6 * 10~(16) ions/cm~2) on rape Mt generation were studied. The results showed that the germination percent of seeds treated at N~+ doses between 3.2 * 10~(16) and 4.6 * 10~(16) ions/cm~2 was not significantly different from control. It was observed that the emergent seedling and survival seedling percent of treated seeds at the dose of 3.9 * 10~(16) ions/cm~2 was increased. Some agronomic and yield characters, such as plant height, number of leaves, fresh weight per plant at seedling stage, number of leaves, perimeter of stem, length and width of the biggest leaf at flower stage, number of primary branches, number of silique per plant and seed yield per plant at mature stage, were improved and increased at N~+ treatment zone. According to the statistical result, the mutation frequency was about 3.2% in the field.
来源 核技术 ,2004,27(4):281-284 【核心库】
关键词 油菜 ; 氮离子注入 ; 生物效应

中国科学院等离子体物理研究所, 中科院离子束生物工程学重点实验室, 合肥, 230031

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0253-3219
学科 物理学;农学(农艺学)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助
文献收藏号 CSCD:1598887

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