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Relationship between Pressure of Infertility Patients from Social Concern and Mental Health and Subjective Well-being:Moderating Effect of Tradition-modernity


文摘 目的探讨不孕不育症患者社会关注带来的压力与心理健康和主观幸福感的关系及传统-现代性的调节作用。方法对2014年9-12月在北京市某两家三级甲等医院生殖中心门诊就诊的不孕不育症患者216例进行问卷调查,共发放问卷216份,回收有效问卷215份,有效回收率为99.5%。采用心理健康量表(MHI-5)测量不孕不育症患者的心理健康水平;采用生活满意度量表(SWLS)测量不孕不育症患者的主观幸福感;采用传统-现代性量表测量不孕不育症患者的传统-现代性;采用社会关注维度测量社会关注对不孕不育症患者带来的压力。相关性分析采用Pearson相关分析;影响因素分析采用分层回归分析。结果215例患者心理健康、主观幸福感、传统-现代性、社会关注带来的压力得分分别为(4.4±0.9)、(4.1±1.2)、(3.6±0.7)、(3.0±0.7)分。心理健康得分与主观幸福感得分呈直线正相关(r=0.208,P<0.05),与社会关注带来的压力得分呈直线负相关(r=-0.315,P<0.05),而与传统-现代性得分无直线相关性(r=-0.013,P>0.05);主观幸福感得分与社会关注带来的压力得分呈直线负相关(r=-0.272,P<0.05),而与传统-现代性得分无直线相关性(r=0.094,P>0.05);传统-现代性得分与社会关注带来的压力得分无直线相关性(r=0.105,P>0.05)。当控制了人口学变量后,社会关注带来的压力得分及社会关注带来的压力得分与传统-现代性得分的交互作用是心理健康、主观幸福感得分的影响因素(P<0.05)。低传统-现代性得分而高社会关注带来的压力得分患者心理健康、主观幸福感得分最低;高传统-现代性得分缓和了社会关注带来的压力得分与心理健康、主观幸福感得分之间的负相关关系。结论不孕不育症患者感受到的来自社会性的压力越高,其心理健康状况越差,主观幸福感越低。传统性可以缓和不孕不育症患者对社会关注的担忧与心理健康及主观幸福感之间的负向关系。
其他语种文摘 Objective To explore relationship between pressure of infertility patients from social concern and mental health and subjective well-being:moderating effect of tradition-modernity.Methods 216 infertility patients,who received treatment in Outpatient of Reproductive Center of two first-class hospitals at grade three in Beijing from September to December in 2014,were investigated by questionnaire survey,216 questionnaires were distributed and 215 valid questionnaires were returned with an effective response rate of 99.5%.The level of mental health of infertility patients was measured by Mental Health Index(MHI-5);their subjective well-being was measured by using Satisfaction with Life Scale(SWLS);their tradition-modernity was measured by Tradition-Modernity Scale;their pressure brought by social concern was measured by Social Concern Dimension.Pearson correlation analysis was applied in correlation analysis;hierarchical regression analysis was used in influence factors analysis.Results The scores of 215 patients in mental health,subjective well-being,tradition-modernity,pressure brought by social concern were(4.4±0.9),(4.1±1.2),(3.6±0.7),(3.0±0.7) respectively.There was a linearly positive correlation between mental health scores and subjective well-being scores(r=0.208,P<0.05),and a linearly negative correlation between mental health scores and pressure of social concern scores(r=-0.315,P<0.05),but there was no linear correlation between mental health scores and tradition-modernity scores(r=-0.013,P>0.05);subjective well-being scores was linearly and negatively correlated with scores of pressure brought by social concern(r=-0.272,P<0.05),but not linearly correlated with tradition-modernity scores(r=0.094,P>0.05);tradition-modernity scores and pressure brought by social concerns scores were not linearly correlated(r=0.105,P>0.05).When the demographic variables were controlled,scores of pressure brought by social concern and interactive effects between scores of pressure brought by social concern and scores of tradition-modernity were the influencing factors of scores of mental health and subjective well-being(P<0.05).The scores of mental health and subjective well-being among patients with low scores of tradition-modernity and high scores of pressure brought by social concern were the lowest;high scores of tradition-modernity eased the negative correlation between scores of pressure brought by social concern and scores of mental health and subjective well-being.Conclusion The greater social pressure the infertility patients can feel,the worse their mental health status is and the lower subjective well-being is.Tradition can relax the negative correlation between worry of patients in social concern and their mental health and subjective well-being.
来源 中国全科医学 ,2016,19(31):3861-3865 【扩展库】
DOI 10.3969/j.issn.1007-9572.2016.31.021
关键词 不孕不育症 ; 社会关注 ; 心理健康 ; 主观幸福感 ; 传统-现代性

中国科学院心理研究所, 中国科学院心理健康重点实验室, 北京, 100101

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1007-9572
学科 外科学;妇产科学
基金 国家科技基础性工作专项
文献收藏号 CSCD:5861369

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