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Measurement of Sky Brightness and Suppression of Scattering in Sky Brightness Monitor


刘念平 1   刘煜 1 *   申远灯 1   张雪飞 1   曹文达 2   Arnaud Jean 3  
文摘 为配合大型太阳设备西部选址工作, 研制了一架现代日晕光度计(Sky Brightness Monitor, SBM).前期实验对日晕光度计性能进行了测试, 同时积累了云南部分址点的日晕数据.资料分析结果显示, 轿子雪山正午前后的日晕水平最低可至日面中心强度百万分之几的量级(蓝波段).这表明该日晕光度计内部杂散光水平已达到了国际同类产品的标准.日晕光度计的内部杂散光源主要来自两部分: 镜筒前端中性滤光片(ND4)固定套圈的边缘衍射(视场靠内区域)和镜筒内置光阑的边缘衍射(视场靠外区域).针对后者进行的变换光阑孔径大小试验结果证实, 适当缩小光阑孔径可有效减小数据中视场靠外区域的衍射光干扰
其他语种文摘 A modern Sky Brightness Monitor (SBM) was developed for the site survey in West China for the future large solar equipment installation. The performance of this new SBM was tested in the recent preliminary experiments. A lot of sky brightness data had been obtained at a few sites in Yunnan. The blue channel result shows that the sky brightness near the noon time on Jiaozi Snow Mountain is as low as a few millionths of the solar center intensity, indicating the low scattering level inside our SBM instrument. The scattering is mainly from two parts: the diffraction rings from the occulter edges, distributed in the inner field of view but outside the occulter region containing the ND4 filter; the diffraction from the baffle rings, distributed in the extreme edges of the field of view. To suppress the scattering of the latter part, experiments with different aperture sizes of baffle rings are made. The result shows that, by mounting new baffle rings with proper aperture size into the SBM telescope tube, diffraction in the extreme edges of the field of view can be effectively reduced
来源 天文学报 ,2011,52(2):160-170 【核心库】
关键词 仪器: 光度计 ; 太阳: 日冕

1. 中国科学院国家天文台/云南天文台, 昆明, 650011  

2. Center for Solar Terrestrial Research, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA, NJ, 07102  

3. University de Nice Sophia Antipolis, Fizeau Laboratory, France, Nice, 06108

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0001-5245
学科 天文学
基金 国家天文台天文专项(日晕光度计研制) ;  国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:4170310

参考文献 共 3 共1页

1.  张红鑫. 白光日冕仪光学系统的杂散光抑制. 光学精密工程,2009,17:2371 CSCD被引 17    
2.  苏定强. 南京大学学报,1959,1:9 CSCD被引 1    
3.  李秋莎. 云南天文台台刊,1994,2:1 CSCD被引 1    
引证文献 8

1 刘顺庆 现代日晕光度计多波段测光系统初步测试结果分析 天文研究与技术,2012,9(2):168-175
CSCD被引 2

2 温骁 日晕光度计图像日心自动定位方法 天文研究与技术,2012,9(2):176-183
CSCD被引 1


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