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Development in Preparation and Application of Graphene Functionalization


文摘 石墨烯以其优异的物理化学性能,近年来受到了学术和产业界的广泛关注。将石墨烯进行功能化,可改善石墨烯的分散性,并且能根据需求对石墨烯的物理化学性能进行针对性地优化,因而赋予石墨烯更广泛的用途,因此,功能化石墨烯成为石墨烯研究领域的热点之一。综述功能化石墨烯的最新进展,从共价结合和非共价结合两个方面阐述了其制备的方法,叙述近年来功能化石墨烯在复合材料、储能材料、光电材料、催化材料、环境净化、生物及传感材料等领域的应用研究进展。总结出功能化石墨烯的特点,即大多数活性基团搭载到石墨烯的表面上都能活跃地展现其应用性能。功能化石墨烯未来的研究方向主要是判定和控制石墨烯表面引入功能化物质的量的“定量”问题和精确在石墨烯表面选择功能化的位点并进行精细化学结构设计的“定位”问题。。
其他语种文摘 Graphene has attracted wide interest of academic and industrial circles due to its superior physical and chemical properties. The functionalization of graphene helps improve its dispersion,and adjusts its performances according to specific needs,thus enables wide applications of graphene, and becomes a hot spot of graphene related researches. This review introduced the recent advances of graphene functionalization, presents covalent and non-covalent methods of functional modification, and described applications of the modified graphene in composite materials, energy storing, optical electronics, chemical catalyzing, pollution processing, biology material and sensors. We concluded the characteristics of functionalized graphene that most of reactive groups can show their own practical properties very actively when being connected to the graphene surface. There will be two main research orientations in functionalized graphene field: one is quantifying, which is to determine and control the quantity of introduced functional species; the other is positioning that is to select the modification sites precisely and to design their fine chemical structures.
来源 航空材料学报 ,2016,36(3):40-56 【核心库】
DOI 10.11868/j.issn.1005-5053.2016.3.006
关键词 石墨烯 ; 功能化石墨烯 ; 共价修饰 ; 非共价修饰 ; 应用研究

北京航空材料研究院, 北京, 100095

语种 中文
文献类型 综述型
ISSN 1005-5053
学科 一般工业技术
基金 中国航空工业集团公司创新基金 ;  中国航空科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:5718080

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