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The spatial effects of haze on tourism flows of Chinese cities: Empirical research based on the spatial panel econometric model


徐冬 1,2   黄震方 1,2 *   黄睿 1,3  
文摘 以中国342个市域单元为研究对象,借助双变量LISA模型、空间面板杜宾模型等方法,探究了1998-2016年雾霾与中国城市旅游流的空间关联特征,分析了雾霾对旅游流的影响及其空间溢出效应。结果表明,在中国雾霾PM_(2.5)与城市旅游流有东高西低的分布特点,在胡焕庸线两侧的空间分布呈现出与地形和城市发展等因素的空间耦合性;雾霾与城市旅游流(含国内和入境旅游流)均表现出显著的空间集聚和空间依赖特征,雾霾污染对旅游流产生明显的影响并形成相应的空间效应;雾霾对旅游流的抑制区域在不断扩大,H-L型城市数量的增加、L-H型集聚区的片状扩张和华北、华中地区的L-H型集聚的“空心化”现象均表明旅游流具有低雾霾指向性;雾霾污染与旅游流的倒“U”型曲线关系表明经典的EKC假说对中国城市旅游流同样适用,且雾霾污染的显著负向影响主要存在于入境旅游方面;雾霾和旅游流均具有明显的正向空间溢出效应,将雾霾治理同经济发展、对外联系、旅游开发、生态保护和交通建设等因素结合起来进行综合治理,才能为旅游发展创造美好的环境,实现国际、国内旅游健康、协调、可持续的高质量发展。
其他语种文摘 Taking 342 cities in China as an example, this paper explores the spatial correlation between haze (PM_(2.5)) and tourism flows, as well as analyzes the impact of haze on tourism flows and the spatial spillover effects from 1998 to 2016 by using bivariate LISA (Local Indications of Spatial Association) Model and Spatial Panel Dubin Model. The results show that the spatial distribution patterns of haze (PM_(2.5)) pollution and tourism growth in China are both high in the eastern region and low in the western region, showing some regularity related to the factors, such as terrain and urban development on both sides of Hu Huanyong population line. Haze and tourism flows (including domestic tourism flows and inbound tourism flows) show both significant spatial agglomeration and spatial dependence during the study period, indicating that haze pollution has great spatial effect on tourism flows. The area where haze curbs tourism flows is expanding. The increase in the number of HL (High-Low) -type cities, the expansion of LH (Low-High) -type agglomeration area and the hollow phenomenon of LHtype agglomeration that appear in north and central China all show that tourists tend to travel to the cities with low haze pollution. The inverted U- shape curve relationship between haze pollution and tourism flows illustrates that the classical Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis is suitable for tourism growth in the cities of China. The negative impact of haze on inbound tourism flows is significant. Both haze pollution and tourism flows have positive spatial spillover effects. Combining haze management with other measures, such as economic development, tourism development, ecological protection, traffic construction, we can create a beautiful environment for tourism development and achieve a healthy, coordinated and sustainable high-quality development of international and domestic tourism.
来源 地理学报 ,2019,74(4):814-830 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201904014
关键词 雾霾 ; PM_(2.5) ; 旅游流 ; 空间关联 ; 空间效应 ; 中国

1. 南京师范大学地理科学学院, 南京, 210023  

2. 江苏省地理信息资源开发与利用协同创新中心, 江苏省地理信息资源开发与利用协同创新中心, 南京, 210023  

3. 南京旅游职业学院旅游管理学院, 南京, 211100

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 社会科学总论;环境污染及其防治
基金 国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:6479075

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