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The memory loss and reconstruction of intangible cultural heritage of South China Sea's "Geng Lu Bu" collective memory


文摘 南海《更路簿》是国家级非遗,承载着千百年来中国海南渔民耕海作业的集体记忆与“祖宗海”的家国情怀,探讨《更路簿》的保护、传承和活化等问题意义重大。通过对海南琼海、文昌等地20名老渔民的实地调研,采用NVivo 8软件对访谈及文献资料进行分析,探讨《更路簿》集体记忆的动态变化及其重构机制。研究表明:①记忆主体的更迭和客体信息的功能演变弱化了《更路簿》记忆的生境,渔民对时间性、季节性感知的失律,滞塞了记忆的代际流动。②《更路簿》集体记忆重构体现在多元主体的诉求赋予《更路簿》新的价值和意义,文本传承的仪式感与神圣空间的制度化激活了集体记忆的生命力,媒体语境对信息的重组和群体身份的同化构成记忆重构的重要路径。③渔民对南海的地方认同和情感依恋凝缩为记忆重构的特质内核,地理空间的地方化建构起个体记忆一集体记忆双向沟通的渠道,记忆的外生性升华为家一国尺度的转化。④南海作为渔民流动轨迹覆盖的场域,其活动空间的盈缩与《更路簿》记忆相关依赖,相互影响,渔民的空间实践与身份认同构成人一海间纽带联结的重要因素。
其他语种文摘 The "Geng Lu Bu" of South China Sea is a national non-material cultural heritage, which carries Hainan fishermen's deep "Family-country" feelings and collective memory about the activities of “Cultivating the Sea” for thousands of years. With the rapid development of navigation technologies and positioning systems in a modern society, "Geng Lu Bu" is gradually fading out of the stage of history. Hainan fishermen's collective memory of "Geng Lu Bu" has been suffering from amnesia, so it is of great significance to discuss how to activate "Geng Lu Bu" as a cultural heritage, and is of great urgency to explore how to not only protect but also inherit the collective memory effectively. Data and information are obtained from field surveys in Wenchang and Qionghai of Hainan and interviews from 20 local old fishermen. By adopting software NVivo8 to analyze the interview data and some relevant literatures, this paper discussed the dynamic change and reconstruction mechanism of collective memory. Results show that: (1) The intergenerational change of memory subject and the functional evolution of memory objective information has weakened the survival environment of "Geng Lu Bu". The fishermen's vague perception of fishing time and season obstructs the intergenerational inheritance of the memory about "Geng Lu Bu". (2) Multiple memory subjects' persue attaches new value and meaning to "Geng Lu Bu", and this, from another perspective, can reflect the reconstruction of collective memory of "Geng Lu Bu". Besides, the tradition of family inheritance and the systematization of scared space have activated the vital force of this memory. Conducted by the media, information's reorganization and identity assimilation has become an important way to reconstruct the memory. (3) Fishermen's local identity and emotional connection to the South China Sea, is the core of the memory's reconstruction. The localization of geographical space has formed a mutual communication between collective memory and individual memory. The exogenous character of collective memory has been sublimated into the "family-country isomorphism". (4) As the birthplace of "Cultivating the Sea" culture, the South China Sea's spatial pattern change has depended on the memory about "Geng Lu Bu" and interacted with each other. In the future, the linkage of the memory about "Geng Lu Bu" and the memory subject would be significantly affected by the fishermen's spatial practice and identity. The paper finally puts forward some suggestions on the protection and activation of cultural heritage.
来源 地理学报 ,2017,72(12):2281-2294 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201712012
关键词 集体记忆 ; 更路簿 ; 记忆重构 ; 耕海文化

华南师范大学地理科学学院, 广州, 510631

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
基金 国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:6137104

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