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Classification of China's urban agglomerations


文摘 城市群是中国新型城镇化战略的重要载体,也是国家参与全球竞争和国际劳动分工的新型地域单元。目前,中国区域空间治理模式正在发生重大转变,由原来的行政区分割管理开始转向类型区空间治理。本文基于城市群的重要外延特征,采用“先分等、后划类”的综合分类思想对中国23个城市群进行定量类型划分和空间分异分析,为中国城市群实施因地制宜的空间格局优化和分类管理的规划引导提供科学依据。首先,参考世界成熟城市群的规模大小和集聚程度,中国城市群分为国家级、区域级、次区域级和地区级4个等级,呈现“3-5-6-9”的金字塔型等级结构;其次,基于城市群的五大特征,构建由10个因子和22个指标构成的指标体系,运用Q型聚类分析法将中国城市群定量划分为成熟外向型、双核赶超型、环境友好型、单核辐射型和内陆粗放型等5种类型;最后,综合等级划分与定量聚类结果,进一步细分为国家级成熟外向型、国家级双核赶超型、区域级双核赶超型、次区域级环境友好型、地区级环境友好型、区域级单核辐射型、地区级单核辐射型、区域级内陆粗放型和地区级内陆粗放型共9个亚类。
其他语种文摘 Urban agglomeration is an important carrier of China's new urbanization strategy, but also a new geographical unit for participating in global competition and international division of labor. At present, the mode of China's regional spatial governance is undergoing a major shift from the original spatial split according to the administrative divisions to govern in accordance with the type of area. Based on the significant extension of the characteristics of urban agglomerations, we divide the 23 Chinese urban agglomerations at four levels and analyze the spatial variation, aiming to provide a scientific basis for the implementation of China's urban agglomerations spatial pattern optimization and planning. First, the 23 areas are divided into national, regional,sub-regional and local levels of urban agglomerations with reference to the development status of more mature urban agglomerations worldwide, resulting in a "3-5-6-9" pyramid structure for the four levels. Then, based on the five essential characteristics of urban agglomerations, we build an index system for the classification of urban agglomerations that consists of 10 factors and 22 indicators, and a Q-type cluster analysis is employed to quantitatively group five kinds of the urban agglomerations: mature export- oriented type, dual- core catch- up type, environment-friendly type, single nuclear radiation type, and inland extensive type. Finally, by synthesizing the classification results of different levels and quantitative clustering, China's urban agglomerations are divided into 10 subgenera: National mature export-oriented genre, national dual-core catch-up genre, regional dual-core catch- up genre, sub- regional environment- friendly genre, local environment- friendly genre, regional single nuclear radiation genre, local single nuclear radiation genre, regional inland extensive genre, subregional inland extensive genre, and local inland extensive genre.
来源 地理科学进展 ,2015,34(3):290-301 【核心库】
关键词 城市群 ; 指标体系 ; 聚类分析 ; 空间分异 ; 等级划分 ; 中国

中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 中国科学院区域可持续发展分析与模拟重点实验室, 北京, 100101

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1007-6301
学科 自然地理学
基金 国家“十二五”科技支撑计划项目 ;  国家社会科学基金重大项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:5379746

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