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Properties of Ag-doped mesoporous bioactive glass coatings on 3D printed pure titanium bone scaffolds


陈倩 1   赵雪阳 1   尤德强 1 *   曾戎 2   于振涛 1   李卫 1   王小健 1 *  
文摘 术后感染是临床上常见且最具挑战性的问题之一,开发新型抗菌涂层是解决该问题的有效策略,具有重要的科学及社会意义。在3D打印多孔钛骨支架表面制备了具有抗菌功能的生物活性涂层,研究发现,银(Ag)以单质的形式存在于介孔生物玻璃(MBG)涂层之中,随着Ag含量的增加(0%,0.5%,1%, 1.5%,摩尔分数),介孔涂层的比表面积从377.6 m~2/g下降到363.35 m~2/g。体外矿化结果表明,随着Ag含量的增加,磷灰石诱导能力略微下降。抗菌实验表明,银的添加显著提高了支架的抗菌性能。添加少量的银(0.5%)即可达到100%的抗菌率。支架与MC3T3-E1细胞共培养的实验结果表明,Ag掺杂的MBG涂层具有良好细胞相容性,且添加少量银能促进MC3T3-E1细胞增殖。使用一种简单的浸渍提拉法将掺Ag的MBG涂层应用于具有复杂的多孔结构3D打印钛支架上,使得支架的矿化性能、杀菌性能以及细胞相容性显著提高。本研究为进一步开发多功能骨植入支架提供了新思路。
其他语种文摘 Infection after surgery is one of the common and most challenging clinical problems, and the development of new antibacterial coating is an effective strategy to solve this problem, which has important scientific and social significance. A bioactive coating with antibacterial function was prepared on the surface of a 3D printed porous titanium bone scaffold. It is discovered that silver (Ag) exists in the coating as a simple substance. As the Ag content increases (0%, 0.5%, 1 %, 1.5%, mole fraction), the specific surface area of the mesoporous coating is decreased from 377.6 m~2/g to 363.35 m~2/g. In vitro mineralization results show that with the increase of Ag content, the apatite inducing ability is decreased slightly. At the same time, the antibacterial test demonstrates that the addition of silver markedly enhances the antibacterial performance of the scaffolds. Adding a small amount of silver (0.5%) can achieve 100% antibacterial rate. The MC3T3-E1 cells are cultured with the scaffolds for 1,3 and 7 days, and it is found that the Ag-doped MBG coatings have good cytocompatibility,and the addition of a small amount of silver can promote the proliferation of MC3T3-E1 cells. A simple dipping and pulling method was used to apply the Ag-doped MBG coating to the complex 3D printed titanium scaffolds with complex topological structure. The mineralization performance,bactericidal performance and cellular compatibility of the scaffold are significantly improved, providing a new idea for the further development of multifunctional bone implant scaffold.
来源 材料工程 ,2022,50(11):34-45 【核心库】
DOI 10.11868/j.issn.1001-4381.2021.001215
关键词 介孔生物活性玻璃涂层 ; ; 骨感染 ; 3D打印 ; 纯钛支架

1. 暨南大学先进耐磨蚀及功能材料研究院, 广州, 510632  

2. 暨南大学化学与材料学院, 广州, 510632

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1001-4381
学科 基础医学
基金 国家重点研发计划 ;  广州市基础研究计划民生科技专题项目 ;  中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金 ;  广东省教育厅项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:7398757

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