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Updated Progress and Perspectives of the Discipline of Human Geography in China


方创琳 1   周尚意 2   柴彦威 3   陆玉麒 4   朱竑 5   冯健 3   刘云刚 6  
文摘 本文重点总结了近年来人地关系论、文化地理学、行为地理学、社会地理学和政治地理学等人文地理学的特色分支学科和新兴分支学科的发展现状、研究进展及未来发展展望。通过对国内大量的文献分析和与国外相关研究进展的比较分析后认为,中国人文地理学在理论创新、研究方法、手段革新和实践应用等方面均取得了丰硕的研究成果。表现为:人地关系论作为地理学研究核心的地位得到进一步提升;文化地理研究视野更为开阔,并在转向新文化地理学;行为地理学进入了重要的研究转向与繁荣发展新阶段;政治地理学顺应地缘政治战略需求开始由低迷走向回暖;社会地理学伴随和谐社会建设蓬勃发展。未来中国人文地理学研究的总体趋势是,面向国家战略需求,树立人地和谐的科学发展观,紧跟中国经济社会发展的时代步伐,在力所能及地解决国家发展中若干新问题的同时,重点深化人地关系理论及研究方法,加强人地系统调控机理与过程、格局与节律及其示范应用的研究,加强人地系统演进过程中的全球问题、全球变化及其区域响应的研究;顺应国家文化产业大发展和建设文化强国的战略要求,加强文化地理研究与国家文化产业振兴的融合研究,建设中国“本土化”的文化地理学学科体系;进一步拓展行为地理学研究广度与深度,加强实验性研究;关注新地缘政治学、都市政治地理和地方政治地理的研究,依托“六普”数据推动社会地理学研究实现新的跨越。通过上述研究,进一步推动中国人文地理学健康持续稳定发展。
其他语种文摘 This paper focuses on the status quo, progress and future development prospects of human geography, particularly on its crucial and newly emerged subgroups including the theory of human-environment interactions, cultural geography, behavioral geography, social geography, and political geography. After comparing intensive literature review of both China and English-world scholars, we strongly believe that human geography in China has achieved fruitful results on its theoretical innovation, research methodology, technological innovation and practical application. Some conclusions can be drawn as follows. (1) By virtue of geographical thinking, the position and content of the theory of human-environment interactions has been greatly enhanced. (2) The scope of cultural geography has broadened, whose study direction is turning to New Cultural Geography. (3) Behavioral geography has aroused attention and generated many crucial results. (4) To meet the needs of geopolitical strategy, political geography resurges in the research and policy analysis circles. (5) Along with the construction of harmonious society, social geography is emerging as an important field. The general trends of Chinese human geography in future has to keep pace with Chinese social and economic development, be oriented to the national strategic needs, aimed at establishing a scientific development viewpoint with harmonious human-environment interactions, and solving new problems in national development with full strength. Meanwhile, it should deepen studies on the theory and research methods of human-environment interactions, strengthen the research on the regulation mechanism, process, pattern, rhythm, and the demonstration and application of the man-land system, and strengthen the research on systematical management and monitoring, dynamic simulation, and technique support system, and enhance the research on global problems, global change and its regional response in the evolution process of man-land system, and reinforce the research on human-oriented environmental ethics and ecological morality of man-land system. With the rapid development of the national cultural industry and the strategic requirement of cultural construction of a powerful country, we should strengthen the inter-disiciplinary research between cultural geography study and cultural industry promotion, and construct the subject system of cultural geography based on absorbing overseas advanced results. Meanwhile, the theoretical scope and depth of research on behavioral geography should be expanded, and the experimental study should be strengthened. Last but not the least, human geographers should pay attention to the research of New Geopolitics, urban political geography and local political geography, and promote the development of social geography based on the Sixth National Population Census Data. We did this research to promote a faster but sound and sustainable development of human geography in China.
来源 地理科学进展 ,2011,30(12):1470-1478 【核心库】
关键词 人文地理学 ; 学科发展 ; 主要进展 ; 发展趋势 ; 展望 ; 中国

1. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 北京, 100101  

2. 北京师范大学地理与遥感科学学院, 北京, 100875  

3. 北京大学城市与环境学院, 北京, 100871  

4. 南京师范大学地理科学学院, 南京, 210046  

5. 华南师范大学地理科学学院, 广州, 510631  

6. 中山大学地理科学与规划学院, 广州, 510275

语种 中文
文献类型 综述型
ISSN 1007-6301
学科 自然地理学
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 ;  国家“十二五”科技支撑计划项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:4397369

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