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Mineral chemistry of hornblende in the Chihu-Fuxing copper district, Xinjiang, and its geological significance


龚林 1,2   陈华勇 1,3 *   肖兵 1   王云峰 1,2   赵联党 1,2  
文摘 赤湖和福兴铜矿位于东天山大南湖-头苏泉岛弧带中.本文以矿区中酸性岩体中的角闪石为研究对象,利用电子探针技术(EPMA)对岩体中的角闪石进行矿物学及矿物化学研究,限定矿区岩体形成的构造背景和物理化学条件,并探讨了岩浆演化和成矿作用过程.电子探针成分结果表明,矿区角闪石主要为镁角闪石、钙镁闪石质角闪石和次生阳起石,其成因主要为岩浆成因,部分遭受次生改造,形成过程中有幔源物质的参与,且与俯冲作用相关.赤湖闪长玢岩中角闪石形成的压力为244~451 MPa (2.44~4.51 kbar),相当于8~15km的深度,温度为880~918 ℃, lgfo_2和熔体中的水含量分别为-10.2 ~-11.1和6.4%~7.0%;赤湖花岗闪长岩、石英闪长岩和福兴石英闪长岩、闪长岩及其角闪石形成的压力为30~90 MPa (0.3-0.9 kbar),相当于1-3 km的深度,温度为640~785℃,lgfo_2和熔体中的水含量分别为-12.3 ~-13.8和3.6%~4.8%.赤湖-福兴矿区岩体中的角闪石可能形成于两个不同深度的岩浆房,幔源岩浆运移到深部岩浆房时形成闪长玢岩中的角闪石斑晶,随后残余岩浆继续上升,在浅部岩浆房形成闪长岩、石英闪长岩和花岗闪长岩中的角闪石,并伴随着流体的出溶和成矿元素的运移,最后在浅部岩浆房顶部形成铜矿床.
其他语种文摘 The Chihu and Fuxing copper deposits are located in the Dananhu-Tousuquan island arc belt of Eastern Tianshan. This study focuses on the hornblende found in the intermediate-acidic igneous rocks. Using electron microprobe analyses (EPMA), we study the characteristics of hornblende and constrain the tectonic setting and physicochemical conditions related to the pluton formation. In addition, we discuss the process of magma evolution and its relationship with Cu mineralization. The EPMA data show that hornblende is composed mainly of magnesiohornblende, tschermakitic hornblende, and secondary actinolite. These components were primarily formed by magmatism and part of them were altered. The mantle materials were possibly involved in the formation of these plutons during subduction. The values of crystallization pressure, temperature, lgfo_2 and H20 content of the hornblende in the melt of diorite porphyry (Chihu) are 244~451 MPa or 2.44~4.51 kbar, (equivalent to 8~15 km), 880~918 ℃, -10.2 ~-11.1,and 6.4%~7.0%,respectively. The corresponding values pertaining to the melt of granodiorite (Chihu), quartz diorite (Chihu and Fuxing), and diorite (Fuxing) and their hornblendes are 30~90 MPa or 0.3~0.9 kbar, (equivalent to 1 ~3 km), 640~785 ℃, -12.3 ~-13.8, and 3.6%~4.8%,respectively. Thereby, we conclude that the hornblendes might have formed in two different magma chambers at different depths. Mantle-derived magma might have migrated from depth into the deep magma chamber and formed the hornblende of the diorite porphyry; thereafter, the residual magma carrying the hornblendes ascended, this was accompanied by the exsolution of fluid from the magma and the migration of ore-forming elements. Granodiorite, quartz diorite, and diorite and their hornblendes might have formed in the shallow magma chamber and copper mineralization might have occurred at the top.
来源 地球化学 ,2018,47(2):149-168 【核心库】
关键词 矿物成分 ; 角闪石 ; 结晶条件 ; 赤湖-福兴铜矿区 ; 新疆

1. 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所, 中国科学院矿物学与成矿学重点实验室, 广东, Guangzhou, 510640  

2. 中国科学院大学, 北京, 100049  

3. 广东省矿物物理与材料研究开发重点实验室, 广东省矿物物理与材料研究开发重点实验室, 广东, 广州, 510640

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0379-1726
学科 地质学
基金 国家973计划 ;  中国科学院“百人计划”项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:6195640

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