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Causes of Pollution of the Dianchi Lake and New Control Measures


文摘 本文对滇池的污染成因进行了综合分析。滇池污染是由两大因素造成的:一是水流太慢,二是污水南侵。从这两大污染因素可以找到两大对策:一是加速湖水流动,二是阻止污水南侵。基于滇池污染实际上是北部污染南部造成的,改变滇池出水口,开挖一条新河道,让滇池水倒流,滇池从原来的下游方换到上游方,城区污水不入滇池,即使进入也能让它快速从北部流出去,北部的污染负荷很容易从北部流出去,南部高水位的水位势压力阻止了北部负荷南侵,解决了滇池污染。
其他语种文摘 The outlet of water body of Dianchi Lake is located in the southern area, but the main pollution load is in the northern area. The flow of Dianchi. Lake is always rush from North to South. Because of the slow lake flow, over 90% of the pollutants in the waste water deposit on the bottom of Dianchi Lake. Hence there are mainly two factors causing the pollution in Dianchi Lake. One is the slow lake flow, the other is the intruding of the polluted water. There are two ways to deal with the pollution situation. One is to speed up the lake flow, the other is to stop the polluted water from intruding to the southern lake. In light with the situation that the northern lake polluted the southern lake of the Dianchi, the new solution identified is to change the original outlet of Dianchi Lake by digging up a new canal and putting Dianchi Lake flow backwards to the north. By so doing, the main pollution load can be closed to the new outlet and kept away from the original one, part of the polluted water in Kunming city will not directly dis-charge into the Dianchi Lake. Even if the polluted water discharged into the Dianchi Lake, it is possible to-let it rapidly flow out of the northern Dianchi Lake. In a word, the elevated potential of high water pres-sure can effectively prevent the southward intrusion of pollution load from northern part, offering a basic solution to the pollution problems of the Dianchi Lake.
来源 地球信息科学 ,2003,5(1):16-21 【扩展库】
关键词 滇池 ; 污染 ; 治理 ; 湖水流动 ; 污水

云南大学、云南省地理研究所, 昆明, 650223

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1560-8999
学科 环境污染及其防治
基金 云南省“十五”科技攻关项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:1221196

参考文献 共 6 共1页

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2 刘路明 昆明市城市河流景观特征及其变化分析 环境科学与技术,2011,34(3):121-125
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