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The spatial imagination of Guangzhou's African community:Analysis based on newspaper discourses


安宁 1,2   冯秋怡 3   朱竑 1,2 *  
文摘 使用文本分析和访谈的方法,本文检视了2007-2017年广州报业对广州非裔群体及非裔社区的话语表征。研究发现,受媒体自身对新闻素材的要求以及地方政治实践对媒体的影响,早期的广州报纸构建了指向性明确、有符号意味且被污名化的非裔空间地图。早先的话语产生了消极的社会影响,且一定程度上激化了非裔群体和地方社会的矛盾。其后,随着宏观政治格局的变化,尤其是置于构建社会主义和谐社会与中非合作论坛等语境时,广州报业媒体对于非裔报道致力于塑造中非发展共同体的地理想象,构建积极的广州非裔和非裔社区的形象,以期重构非裔社区的意义。广州报业的非裔话语是族裔社区空间形象构建过程,进而成为地方政治、国家政治和国际政治持续投影、纠葛和变化的地理再现。研究从社会文化地理学和政治地理学的角度丰富了对族裔社区划界、空间生产和地理想象的理解,试图建立报业舆论与地缘政治的地理视角联结。从实践和应用的角度来讲,本文探讨了全球化背景下媒体话语对跨境文化交融带来的挑战和影响,对于实现全球化背景下的中外多元文化交融与协商、实现良性的国际关系互动具有一定的参考价值。
其他语种文摘 Using the methods of textual analysis and in-depth interview,this paper investigates the discourse representation of Guangzhou- African populations and Guangzhou- African communities in Guangzhou newspaper in the past decade.The study finds that the early Guangzhou newspaper has established a clear,symbolic and stigmatized Afro-space map based on the newspaper's own requirements for news materials (e.g.the novelty) and the influence of local politics on newspaper practices.The earlier newspaper discourse has produced negative social influences and,to a certain extent,intensified the contradiction between African groups and local communities.Later,with changes in the macro- political pattern,especially in the context of building a socialist harmonious society and the China- Africa Cooperation Forum,the Guangzhou newspaper has devoted to the Guangzhou-African report to form a geographical imagination of the China- Africa Development Community and the positive image of Guangzhou- African populations and Guangzhou- African communities,with a view to reshaping the spatial meaning of Guangzhou- African communities.In view of this,we argue that the Guangzhou- African discourse in Guangzhou newspaper industry is a process of constructing the spatial image of the ethnic population and ethnic community,and thus becomes a geographical reproduction of the continuous projection,entanglement and change of local politics,national politics and international politics.In this sense,this study enriches the understanding of ethnic community demarcation,space production and geographical imagination from the perspective of socio- cultural geography and political geography,and attempts to establish a coupling geographical perspective between newspaper public opinion and geopolitics.From the practical perspective,this paper explores the challenges and influences of media discourse on the integration of cross- border culture in the context of globalization,which hence has a certain value for the integration and negotiation of Chinese and foreign multiculturalism and the realization of benign international interaction.
来源 地理学报 ,2019,74(8):1650-1662 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201908012
关键词 空间生产 ; 地理想象 ; 非裔社区 ; 话语分析 ; 广州

1. 广州大学地理科学学院华南人文地理与城市发展研究中心, 广州, 510006  

2. 广东省城市与移民研究中心, 广州, 510006  

3. 华南师范大学地理科学学院, 广州, 510631

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
基金 国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:6553119

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