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Chemical characteristics and source apportionment of atmospheric precipitation in Taiyuan,China


姚孟伟 1   郭晓方 1   闫雨龙 1   张啸 1   何秋生 1 *   王新明 2  
文摘 本研究采集了2012年3-11月间35场太原降水样品,探讨了pH值、电导率和水溶性化学组成特征。结果表明,降水pH加权平均值为5.27;电导率平均值为98.8 μS/cm,表明大气污染显著;SO_4~(2-)(471.8 μeq/L)、NO_3~-(93.6 μeq/L)、Ca~(2+)(477.4 μeq/L)和NH_4~+(133.4 μeq/L)是太原降水的主导离子,4种离子占总离子浓度的85%。SO_4~(2-)/NO_3~-当量浓度比为4.38,比太原市1986年的比值(19.02)下降了77%。太原降水的酸性仍以SO_4~(2-)主导,但NO_3~-比例大幅上升。降水离子相关性分析和气团后向轨迹表明太原市大气污染物主要来自自身排污企业(热电厂、钢铁厂等)污染物的扩散以及省内焦化企业污染物的输送等小尺度区域内。太原市硫的湿沉降量为1.93 t/(km~2·a);氮湿沉降量为1.54 t/(km~2·a),其中铵态氮和硝态氮分别为1.28 t/(km~2·a)和0.26 t/(km~2·a);钙为5.87 t/(km~2·a)。
其他语种文摘 This study analyzed the concentrations of cation and anion, and pH in precipitation taken in Taiyuan throughout March 3, 2012 to November, 2012. The results showed that the volume-weighted mean of pH and EC were 5.27 and 98.8 μS/cm during the sampling time. SO_4~(2-)(471.8 μeq/L), NO_3~-(93.6 μeq/L), Ca~(2+)(477.4 μeq/L) and NH_4~+(133.4 μeq/L) were major ions, accounting for 85% of the total ion concentration. The SO_4~(2-)/NO_3~-ratio was 4.38, lower than that of Shanxi Province in 1986 (19.02), SO_4~(2-) remains the dominant acidic ion in term of concentration. However, NO_3~- has become very important to the acidity of rain water. Correlation analysis between ionic constituents and the backward trajectories in Taiyuan showed that the sources of air pollution were the plants in Taiyuan (thermal power plants, Taiyuan steelworks) and the coking plants in souther of Taiyuan Basin. The wet depositions were estimated to be 1.93 t/(km~2·a) for sulfur; 1.54 t/(km~2·a) for nitrogen, of which 1.28 t/(km~2·a) was reduced nitrogen and 0.26 t/(km~2·a) was oxidized nitrogen; and 5.87 t/(km~2·a) for Ca~(2+).
来源 环境工程学报 ,2014,8(11):4864-4870 【核心库】
关键词 太原 ; 降水 ; 化学组成 ; 来源

1. 太原科技大学环境与安全学院, 太原, 030024  

2. 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所, 有机地球化学国家重点实验室, 广州, 510640

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1673-9108
学科 环境污染及其防治
基金 国家自然科学基金国家杰出青年科学基金 ;  国家教育部重点项目 ;  山西省青年科技基金 ;  山西省回国留学人员科研项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:5272414

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