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Detection of camellia cryptic virus 1 in Fujian Province and molecular characterization of its complete genome


许瑜婷 1   丁莹 1   沈建国 2 *   陈细红 1,2   章淑玲 3   杜振国 1   高芳銮 1 *  
文摘 为明确福建茶树潜隐病毒(camellia cryptic virus 1,CCV1)发生情况,探明其全基因组序列特征及其与油茶潜隐病毒1(camellia oleifera cryptic virus 1,CoCV1)的关系,本研究通过RT-PCR方法对采自福建7个茶树种植区疑似感染CCV1的叶片进行检测,并随机选取18个CCV1分离物,经扩增、克隆获得全基因组序列,对其序列特征和系统发育关系进行分析。结果显示,431份样品中共有94份样品检测出CCV1,检出率为21.81%。测定获得的18个CCV1分离物dsRNA1、dsRNA2和dsRNA3的核苷酸序列全长分别为1 722-1 725 bp、1 504-1 506 bp和1 497-1 499 bp。克隆获得的RdRp、CP和mCP的氨基酸序列与CCV1代表分离物Won(GenBank登录号MH898482-MH898484)和CoCV1代表分离物PXCS5(GenBank登录号MH814756-MH814758)的一致性值分别≥91%、≥84%和≥90%,超过了δ-分体病毒属(Deltapartitivirus)中种的界定标准阈值。进一步的系统发育分析结果显示,所有CCV1分离物与CoCV1分离物以高置信值相聚成簇,证实CCV1和CoCV1为Deltapartitivirus属的同一种病毒。
其他语种文摘 The objectives of the study are to investigate the occurrence of camellia cryptic virus (CCV1) in the major tea plant planting regions in Fujian Province and to characterize the genomic structure of CCV1 isolates and its evolutionary relationship with reported CCV1 and camellia oleifera cryptic virus 1 (CoCV1) isolates.RT-PCR was used to detect leaves suspected of CCV1 infection collected from tea plant planting regions of 7 cities in Fujian Province.The genomic sequences of 18 viral isolates randomly selected from the positive samples were amplified and sequenced.Their genomic structure and the phylogenetic relationship tree were analysed subsequently.The results of RT-PCR showed that CCV1 was detected in 94 of 431 samples,with a mean positive rate of 20%.The complete sequence of dsRNA1,dsRNA2 and dsRNA3 of the 18 CCV1 isolates of the subsamples are 1 722-1 725,1 504-1 506,1 497-1 499 base pairs (bps) in length,respectively.The first 10-bp sequences(5'-GATAATGATC-3')of the 5'-UTRs in three dsRNAs of CCV1 are identical between these viral isolates and the reported representative CCV1 isolate Won.Sequence analysis indicates that RdRp,CP and mCP of 18 CCV1 isolates obtained in this study shares more than 91%,84% and 90% amino acid sequence identity with known CCV1 Won isolate (GenBank accession numbers MH898482-MH898484) and camellia oleifera cryptic virus 1(CoCV1) PXCS5 isolate (GenBank accession numbers MH814756-MH814758),respectively.These values exceed the threshold values of the species demarcation for the genus Deltapartitivirus.Further phylogenetic analysis indicates that CCV1 isolates sequenced in this study were clustered into a monophyletic clade with high confidence,together with known CCV1 Won and CoCV1 PXCS5 isolates.Taken together,the analyses suggest CCV1 and CCoV1 should be the same deltapartitivirus.
来源 植物病理学报 ,2023,53(3):386-394 【核心库】
DOI 10.13926/j.cnki.apps.000658
关键词 茶树潜隐病毒1 ; 油茶潜隐病毒1 ; δ-分体病毒属 ; 系统发育分析 ; 分子特征

1. 福建农林大学植物病毒研究所, 福州, 350002  

2. 福州海关技术中心, 福建省检验检疫技术研究重点实验室, 福州, 350001  

3. 福建农业职业技术学院园艺园林学院, 福州, 350119

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0412-0914
学科 植物保护
基金 福建省农业引导性(重点)项目 ;  福建省检验检疫技术研究重点实验室开放课题
文献收藏号 CSCD:7616433

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