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Spatial connection and regional difference of the coastal container port shipping network of China


文摘 沿海港口是“一带一路”海陆双向通道的交汇点,航运网络则是港口融入海上丝绸之路的载体,其空间联系及一体化水平是港口整体竞争力的重要指标。利用复杂网络模型对2005年与2015年航运网络联系进行定量刻画和空间分析,探讨近10年来中国集装箱港口航运网络的空间联系和区域差异,结果表明:①中国集装箱港口航运网络具有较高的集聚系数与较小的平均路径长度,整体服从小世界模型。各港口间的网络可达性与中转衔接功能差异性较小,各地的区域性枢纽港较为稳定。②基于社会网络分析(UCINET)呈现的最强联系航运网络看,三个相对独立的区域性网络演变为全国性的轴-辐空间网络,航运网络的一体化程度显著提升。③从区域差异来看,四大区域港口间的联系强度增强,台湾地区各港口的最强联系区域由珠三角变为长三角,其网络可达性及中转衔接功能有所提升,并形成以高雄港为区域性枢纽的区域性网络。整个台湾地区港口与大陆其他区域的联系强度上升79.46%,而香港港虽保持了与深圳港的最强联系,但与大陆港口的整体联系强度却下降了22.99%,从全国性枢纽港弱化为珠三角区域性枢纽港。
其他语种文摘 Coastal ports are the intersections between the Belt and Road sea and land routes and the shipping network is the carrier for the ports' integration into the Maritime Silk Road, therefore their spatial connection and integration level are important indicators of the overall competitiveness of the ports. Using a complex network model to quantitatively depict and analyze the shipping network connection in 2005 and 2015, this article discusses the spatial and regional differences of container ports of China in the past 10 years. The results show that: (1) The container port shipping network of China had a bigger clustering coefficient and a smaller average path length and the whole network follows the small-world model. Differences between network accessibility and transfer function of the ports are relatively smaller, and regional hub ports are more stable. (2) Based on the strongest connection of shipping network from social network analysis (UCINET), from a national perspective three relatively independent regional networks have evolved into an integrative hub-spoke spatial network. From a regional perspective, although a few ports have the strongest connection with non-local hub ports, four regional ports still form relatively complete networks. (3) From the perspective of regional differences, the vertex strength of the connections among the four regional ports has increased, the network accessibility and transfer function of ports in Taiwan have improved, and their strongest connection area changed from the Pearl River Delta to the Yangtze River Delta. It also forms a regional network with Kaohsiung Port as a regional hub. The vertex strength between all ports in Taiwan and ports in China's mainland has increased by 79.46%. The vertex strength between the Hong Kong Port and all ports in China's mainland has decreased by 22.99%. The Hong Kong Port has declined from the national hub port to the Pearl River Delta regional hub port.
来源 地理科学进展 ,2018,37(11):1499-1509 【核心库】
DOI 10.18306/dlkxjz.2018.11.006
关键词 中国沿海集装箱港口 ; 复杂网络 ; 轴-辐结构 ; 加权网络 ; 区域差异

教育部人文社科重点研究基地,辽宁师范大学海洋与经济可持续发展中心, 辽宁, 大连, 116029

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1007-6301
学科 社会科学总论
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 ;  国家教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:6401424

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