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Comparison of precipitation variations at different time scales in the northern and southern Altai Mountains


文摘 常年受到西风影响的阿尔泰山地区,是古气候研究的重点区域之一。利用阿尔泰山北部和南部的11个气象站观测数据和巳发表的古气候数据(包括树轮、冰芯和湖芯),详细对比了不同时间尺度上(季节、年、几十年、百年和千年尺度)阿尔泰山北部和南部的降水变化。结果表明,阿尔泰山北部器测时段降水是逐渐下降的,而阿尔泰山南部降水反而呈现逐渐增加的趋势。这种反相的降水关系也体现在过去200年、过去1000年和全新世时段,说明阿尔泰山北部和南部降水在季节、年、几十年、百年和千年尺度上均存在相反的趋势。不同时间尺度上降水存在的相反关系表明阿尔泰山是一个重要的气候边界。但不同时间尺度上出现相反变化的原因需进一步详细探讨,这不仅有助于了解区域水汽变化的历史,也有助于加深理解欧亚草原丝绸之路文化的演替。
其他语种文摘 As one of the most important regions for paleoclimate study, the Altai Mountains are influenced by the prevailing westerly airflow throughout a year. In order to get a better understanding of the precipitation variations at different time scales (i.e., season, year, multidecades, centennial and millennial scales) in the northern and southern Altai Mountains, we investigate the observed data from 11 meteorological stations and published paleoclimate documents (including tree rings, ice cores and lake cores) in the northern and southern Altai Mountains. The results show that the precipitation during the observed interval experiences a decreasing trend in the northern Altai Mountains, whereas an increasing trend in the southern Altai Mountains. The out- of-phase relationship of precipitation in the northern and southern Altai Mountains also exists in the two centennial intervals, the last millennium and the Holocene epoch. We propose that the out-of-phase relationships of precipitation variations at different time- scales (i.e., season, year, multi- decades, centennial and millennial scales) indicate that the Altai Mountains are an important climatic boundary. However, the reasons of out-of-phase relationship at different time-scales remains to be investigated in the future. The next work is not only helpful to understand the history of regional water vapor change, but also contributes to the understanding of the succession of the Silk Road culture along the Europe-Asian steppe.
来源 地理学报 ,2017,72(9):1569-1579 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201709003
关键词 阿尔泰山 ; 降水 ; 不同时间尺度 ; 古气候

中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所, 乌鲁木齐, 830011

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 大气科学(气象学)
基金 国家自然科学青年基金项目 ;  国家自然科学国际合作项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:6068303

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2. 雅鲁藏布江流域高时空分辨率降水数据(1981-2016)

3. 青藏高原卫星遥感降水再分析数据集(1998-2018)


1. 横断山区降水时空分布数据集(1998-2012)

2. 三江源及其毗邻地区公里网格降水数据集(2009-2013)

3. 2009-2018年TRMM 3B43第7版逐月降水数据

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