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Long-term high altitude exposure influence the processing stage of conflict inhibition


陶格同 1,2   安心 3   姜园 4   马海林 5   韩布新 1,2   王妍 1,2 *  
文摘 目的探讨长期高海拔缺氧对冲突抑制功能加工进程的影响及其神经机制。方法采用横断面研究,对比高海拔组(首次进入3650米高海拔地区且居住满两年的20名大学生)与低海拔组(从未去过高海拔地区的20名大学生)的基本生理指标以及Stroop 2-1反应映射任务中行为数据和脑电数据的差异。结果高海拔组脉率[(82.0±9.7)次/min]显著高与低海拔组[(74.0±11.3)次/min],血氧饱和度显著低于低海拔组[(90.7±2.8)%,(97.4± 1.1)%],均差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01)。反应时由长到短依次为反应不一致条件>刺激不一致条件>一致条件[分别为(803.88± 73.21)ms,(753.76±72.96)ms,(707.91±70.33)ms];正确率由高到低依次为刺激不一致条件>一致条件>反应不一致条件[分别为(96.35±2.91)%,(95.90±2.83)%,(91.55±5.22)%];反应冲突效应大于刺激冲突效应[(49.76±33.90),(23.60±30.20)],均差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01)。与低海拔组相比,高海拔组刺激不一致条件下反应时更长[(730.43±60.50)ms,(777.09±78.23)ms]、P2波幅更大[(3.21±0.62)µV,(6.18±0.62)µV]、N450波幅更大[(5.91±1.48)µV,(1.39±1.48)µV],均差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。高海拔组P4电极N450波幅大于P3电极[(2.26±1.34)µV,(0.62±1.43)µV],差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论长期高海拔缺氧影响早期刺激感知加工和任务提取,也影响晚期刺激冲突和反应冲突监测,高海拔组需通过右侧顶叶代偿完成刺激和反应冲突监测。
其他语种文摘 Objective To explore the neutral mechanism of influence of long-term exposure to high altitude hypoxia environment on the processing stage of conflict inhibition.Methods Differences in the electroencephalogram during a 2-1 mapping Stroop task were compared between a high-altitude(HA)group(n= 20)who lived in a high-altitude area(3650 m)for two years,and a low-altitude(LA)group(n= 20)who had never visited high-altitude areas.Results The HA group had a higher pulse rate((82.0±9.7)/min vs(74.0±11.3)/min)and lower oxygen saturation level((90.7±2.8)% vs(97.4+1.1)%)compared with LA group.Behavior data showed that the reaction time(RT)in congruent(CO)condition was shorter than that in stimulus incogruent(SI)condition,and the RT in SI condition was shorter than that in RI condition((707.91 ±70.33)ms vs(753.76±72.96)ms vs(803.88±73.21)ms);accuracy(ACC)rate in SI condition was higher than CO condition,and the ACC in CO condition was higher than RI condition((96.35 ± 2.91)% vs(95.90±2.83)% vs(91.22)%).And the response conflict effect was larger than the stimulus conflict effect((49.76±33.90)vs(23.60±30.20)).The differences were all statistically significant(all P<0.01).In SI condition,the RT of HA group was longer than LA group((730.43±60.50)ms vs(777.09±78.23)ms)(P<0.05).As for the EEG,the amplitude of P2((6.18±0.62)µV vs(3.21±0.62)µV)and N450((1.39±1.48)µV vs(5.91±1.48)µV)component of the HA group were higher those that of the LA group.The amplitude of N450 at P4 electrode site was larger than that at P3 electrode site in HA group((2.26±1.34)µV vs(0.62±1.43)µV).The differences were all statistically significant(all P< 0.05).Conclusion Long-term exposure to high altitude hypoxia environment affects the early stage of stimulus perception and task retrieval,as well as the conflict monitoring in later stage of stimulus and response conflict.The HA group need compensation of right parietal to complete the conflict monitoring of stimulus and response conflict.
来源 中华行为医学与脑科学杂志 ,2020,29(7):635-641 【扩展库】
DOI 10.3760/cma.j.cn371468-20200130-01006
关键词 高海拔缺氧 ; 冲突抑制 ; Stroop效应 ; 事件相关电位

1. 中国科学院心理研究所, 中国科学院心理健康重点实验室, 北京, 100101  

2. 中国科学院大学心理学系, 北京, 100049  

3. 国防大学政治学院西安校区, 710000  

4. 北京印刷学院印刷与包装工程学院, 102660  

5. 西藏大学高原脑科学研究中心, 拉萨, 850000

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1674-6554
学科 基础医学
基金 国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:6803107

参考文献 共 27 共2页

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