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Research Progress in Precipitation Chemistry in China


文摘 中国的酸雨区是继欧洲和北美之后的世界三大酸雨区之一.本文综述了近十年来有关中国降水化学的研究结果,主要内容和结论有:中国南方和西南地区已经成为世界上降水酸性最强的地区;中国降水化学组成仍属硫酸型,但正在向硫酸硝酸混合型转变;SO_4~(2-)和NO_3~-以及NH_4~+和Ca~(2+)分别是中国降水中主要阴阳离子,并且浓度远高于欧洲和北美;山上降水和高空云雾水的高酸性和高离子浓度说明这些地区高空已严重污染;讨论了中国各地区降水化学特征和酸雨形成的原因;最后指出了有待研究的科学问题.
其他语种文摘 The acid rain area in China is one of the three main acid rain areas in the world, next to Europe and North America. Most acid deposition investigations have been concerned with precipitation chemistry in China. The results for precipitation chemistry of China obtained by Chinese and foreign researchers are overviewed in this paper. Major conclusions are: High H~+ concentrations of precipitation have occurred in South and South Western China which have become areas with the highest acidity of precipitation in the world; The pollution of precipitation in China is still sulfur type with a trend to sulfuric-nitrous mixed type; Concentrations of dominant anions(SO_4~(2-) and NO_3 ~ - ) and cations (NH_4 ~+ and Ca~(2+) ) in precipitation are much higher than that in Europe and North America; The high acidity and ionic concentration in precipitation at alpine sites and cloud - water in eastern and southern China indicates that upper air has been polluted seriously; Characteristics of precipitation chemistry in different areas of China and the origins of acid rain formation have been discussed; Finally, future research is suggested.
来源 化学进展 ,2009,21(2/3):266-281 【核心库】
关键词 降水化学 ; 中国 ; 酸雨 ; 排放

山东大学环境研究院, 山东, 济南, 250100

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1005-281X
学科 环境污染及其防治
文献收藏号 CSCD:3588863

参考文献 共 138 共7页

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